King's Business - 1921-03

235 “It seems that in the eyes of a lot of Divinities, College and Theological pro­ fessors, State Secretaries and Pew holders, that a man who believes the Bible and teaches the Bible has com­ mitted the unpardonable sin. “The preacher who preaches the plain declarations of GOD’S WORD, relative to the second coming, the apostacy of the church, God’s judgments on all MAN MADE POWERS, is ‘marked’; And in the eyes of the MODERN! (?) denominational leaders he is a fatal­ istic, dogmatic, crimson dyed sinner. “And when they meet to fQrm their PROGRAMS, they are careful that these pessimistic, futuristic, literalistic sin­ ners are not on THEIR program. “It is a common occurrence to find* in the denominational papers, books ad­ vertised and highly commended, that assail the true Biblical teaching. “If it is a sin to believe the Bible then we must disbelieve the Bible in order to be a Saint.” SORROW’S BENEFITS When sorrow lays a finger chill Upon thy shrinking heart, Oh, do not be in haste to bid The somber guest depart; For ’neath the chill, there lies the balm, The magic touch that brings sweet calm; And what seems grievous in thine eyes, May prove but Peace, in Sorrow’s guise. —Louise Liddell.

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S Even this hero Roosevelt was given to some such superstition. Whenever he desired to bring anyone under his spell and charm him, he took him by the hand and pronounced a certain magical word. As far as I can discover, it spells something like “dee-lighted.” 2. The other conclusive proof is the name. “Theodore” is taken from the lan­ guage of a people representing the southern part of Europe and means “Gift of God;” Roosevelt is taken from the language of a people representing the northern part of Europe, and means "Field of Roses.” The idea is evident: This hero personifies the union of the two European races which laid the foundation of early American civiliza­ tion—the Romanic and the Teutonic races; and the Americans imagined that a man who united in himself all those wonderful traits of character must necessarily be a miraculous “Gift of God;” and furthermore, they thought that if a man personifying their ideals really had full sway, their country would be changed to a “Field of Roses.” THE NEW UNPARDONABLE SIN “Is it a sin to believe the Bible?” This is what one of our subscribers, a young minister, wants to know. Like a lot of others who are contending for the faith, he realizes that the high­ brows are trying to freeze him but. He says in his letter:

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Dr. Dinsdale T. Young is one of the greatest Methodist Preachers in England. He recently said the following:— “Had I seen reason to abandon the doctrines to which I | was pledged, I would have deemed it just and right that I with­ draw from the Church which laid the beliefs upon me. 1 observe with solicitude that some new theologies involve also a new morality, liie y demand to remain in the pay— I will use the ugly but fitting word— of the communities whose doctrinal stand­ ards they have disavowed. I am incapable of understanding such ethics. Such a resultant immorality is a strong refutation of the theology with which it is associated.” RiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiinuiinilimiiHiiimiiHiminiiuiiiiinimniHiuiiiiiiniHiiiiiHiiHiiiiHuniiuntiHiiiiiiiiintiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniinniHiniiiiHiiiiiinHnmnniiiniHiiumiiiiniinniiiuuiiintnNiiiiniiHiimiuniininNNimHS

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