King's Business - 1921-03


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S based on Mr. Trumbull’s messages which God had so greatly blessed to ourselves. I wish you could have seen the long, winged Conference hall packed full with some two hundred and seven­ teen evangelists, students, and dele­ gates from various Missions and pro­ vinces (if I remember rightly seven or eight provinces were represented). These were mostly keen', earnest intelli­ gent young men. How they listened as we testified day after day to Our Victorious Lord—His abiding presence, sufficient grace, deliverance ■ from sin, triumph over suffering and temptation, by simply taking Him for our life and everytliing, praising and trusting - our Wonderful Savior for all the glorious facts about Himself and that He has secured and “wrought out” for us which like “The Rock of Ages” and “the Everlasting Arms” need no sup­ port from us but on the other hand provide all the support WE will ever need. We had some nine talks about HUVl each of which I believe “gripped” hearts judging from the testimony meeting at the closing Saturday meet­ ing which reminded us of that very blessed “Say-So” meeting we had at Kuling. How He must have “heark­ ened and heard” as they that fear the Lord “spake often one to another.” Our hearts were full of joy which found expression in thanksgiving testimony and victory songs of praise which we trust will be life-long, or better still “Christ-long.” Stirring Reports Prom Other Bands During the Conference we had the privilege of hearing reports. of work done by some of the other bands. How it thrilled our souls to hear of the pa­ tient, tactful methods and persevering prayer used and how with God’s bless­ ing one hard case after another had been won for Christ, and opposition and prejudice had been overcome. The keen enthusiastic manner in which these reports were given was most in­ spiring. We got to know some of the leaders of the various bands, some fine spiritually minded young men. One, who with his party roomed under our quarters rallied his men for prayer sev­ eral times a day. We could hear the various voices as the prayers went round—winding up as they often did with the Lord’s prayer in unison. At other times volumes of praise would reach our ears from the men down­ stairs. During one of the closing af­ ternoons of the Conference ft request

was made by the students of the Hunan Bible School for the use of the Con­ ference hall. The afternoon had been given ithem for leisure but the old stu­ dents wanted to meet with the new ones and have prayer together ere they started out on their life work. You can imagine the joy such a request brought to us all, more especially to the one to whom it meant most. It must have been encouraging for those who had faith­ fully ministered the Word at the Hunan Bible Institute. Another delightful thing about the Nan Yoh Conference is the direct evan­ gelistic work carried on daily by the, men in addition to all the Bible studies and other meetings. Out With the Gospel at 3 A. M. I just managed to get up one morn­ ing at 3 A. M. to join one of the groups of workers as they started out to way­ lay the pilgrims on the various main roads leading to and from Nan Yoh. These groups of which there are four, start out each morning in rotation with lanterns at the above mentioned hour, each party loaded with Gospel ammuni­ tion-some thousand booklets for each group. Often these are insufficient for a morning’s distribution, so many pil­ grims pass along the roads. Our stand that morning was on the Paoching road, we followed along in the trail of the lantern light till we came to a little shelter near by a temple. It was still dark when we got there but our lan­ terns lit up the shelter. While wait­ ing for the pilgrims we talked over how best to present the Gospel message con­ cisely and simply in the briefest pos­ sible time. Presently as we were talk­ ing we heard through the darkness the voices of approaching pilgrims singing as they tramped along. In an instant every man was at his post with his hands full of Gospel booklets, then as each pilgrim appeared in the light, the message of Life and Light was poured into his ears and placed in his hand. Those who wished to rest were invited to sit down, and as they thus rested, they were told the only true way to get true rest and' happiness. One thinks of those “shelters of light” along the dark dreary, roads of night and what they must mean to these hungry-hearted, footsore pilgrims as they pass on their way, some out into the darkness again and others, thank God! out into the light of day. As we worked on, grad­ ually the darkness gave way to the glory of dawn suggestive surely of “A morning without clouds” which He

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