King's Business - 1921-03

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S experience? On his bed there he re­ cognized the, worker, and seemed glad to see him. He could scarcely talk at all, but his eyes showed a deep abiding peace, although he was in pain. Slowly but with earnestness came the words in answer to the question as to how he stood in regard to eternity and God. “I am resting in Jesus, and all is well. He is with me through it all, and will not leave me I know, and whether I live or

243 th a t th ey m ay recover them selves ou t of th e sn a re of th e devil.” , . This has seemed to be our work for the past few months,-—instructing those that oppose themselves. How much this is needed can readily be, seen by the fol­ lowing incident: Those Who Oppose Themselves In one colony, after we had preached the Gospel to them, one of the men ap­ proached us with a postcard having on it a picture of the virgin Mary, and said to me, “What do you think of that?” “Why” we said, “it is nothing but card board.” “But,” he said, “it is a picture of the virgin Mary.” “No,” we said, “that is simply a picture taken from imagination.” They, did not seem pleased with our remark, but after preaching we went to their room where several men had gathered, and explain­ ed more minutely what we meant by saying that the picture was an inven­ tion of the imagination. That led on to an explanation of the errors of Roman Catholicism, and as we compared the error with the truth of the Gospel they immediately confessed that what we said was the truth, and in this way we were enabled to disarm them of any op­ position, they were convinced of the truth, and once they are convinced of the truth it is an easy matter to lead them to the Saviour. A Wooden Christ At another place we were invited in, and while speaking of the Saviour the man of the house said, “We have Christ.” “Where have you Christ?” we asked. He, pointing to an improvised altar, said, “Up there.”- Then he reach­ ed for it and handed us a . crucifix. “Why”, we said, “that is not Christ.” We then told them that God had pro­ hibited the making of graven images. We opened the Scripture to them, and reading the twentieth chapter of Exo­ dus, told them that the Catholic Church suppressed that command, and in its place said that they were to love and adore God only. They handed me one of those books of the Catholic Church, and looking for the commandment as given by the Roman Catholic Church found It was just as we had said. Then we compared it with the Word of God, and showed them how God had forbidden the making of images; that they should not bow down to them nor serve them, "and when we read it to them they were amazed and said: “Well, we are igno­ rant and know only what our fathers have taught us.” . Oh, it has been such a delight to in-

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