King's Business - 1921-03

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S mixing the leaven with the meal, till confusion becomes more confounded. One of our dear fellows with a love for the lost souls of men, in speaking to a stenographer in the office where he is book-keeper was used in bringing deep conviction. He, following this up with a beautiful Scripture card on New Year’s, urged her to receive Christ. In­ stead of yielding, stung and embittered, she ran to her employer, claiming the man had questioned her character. He was called in and instantly dismissed. It is a time of testing for him, but we are sure God will overrule it all and open a more effectual door of employ­ ment and larger field of testimony while bringing him into fellowship with His own sufferings. The close confinement was telling op his health, and who knows but this is God’s will for restor­ ation of his physical body? There Is a Real Devil . Still another of our “babes in Christ” was approached by one of the devil’s angels of light and swept completely oft' his feet; but prayer being made for him, and the Word given, within twenty-four hours he was restored, and in his own language said: “I never knew before that there was a real devil,—now I’m sure of it,—he spoke so nice and sweet and lovely to me.” And he’s certainly camping at Biola Hall. One night this week he (the devil) had five keen, bright representa­ tives on the job. The air became sul­ phurous when he changed into a roar­ ing lion, but when the smoke was cleared away, two precious souls knelt at the feet of ¡the crucified and risen Christ, and confessed Him as Lord and Saviour. The fact that men get mad is evidence that the Word is the Sword of the Spirit. Furious at The Word One man almost foamed at the mouth when Mark 16:16 was given ,to him, as the worker abruptly left him. Two days lateT he was taken to the hospital with la grippe. For a whole month he lay fighting for life, and fighting God, with the last clause of that verse ringing constantly in his ears and heart. “He that believeth not shall be damned.” He just couldn’t get away from it till, exhausted and beaten in the conflict, the Sp.irit whispered “He that believeth on the Son hath ever­ lasting life.” He came back to Biola, hunted up the man who gave him the Word, and both rejoiced. Preach the Word. It shall not return void, it shall accomplish; it shall prosper.


struct these deluded and ignorant peo­ ple. •Two young men, after feeing en­ lightened one evening, having New Testaments given to them, feoth offered us some money to show their apprecia­ tion, hut we told them that we did not tell them these things for pay. Both asked us to return. Invariably this is the parting remark, “Come back again, so that we may better understand the way of salvation,” and others say “Why do you stay away so long?” Oh, the need is so great, but the laborers are few. How we rejoice to see the change wrought in the lives of those who be­ lieve. They not only get cleaned up from sin, but there is an outward trans­ formation as well, both their personal appearance and homes take on another aspect. The old Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation, and trans­ formation. It also educates. Several of the men and women who could not read have since their- conversion learned to do so. One young man espe­ cially, who accepted Christ,- commenced to learn the A. B. C.’s and in a short while could read a little. He ordered a Bible of us, and was so happy to get it, and more so because he could now read it. He went on his way rejoicing, to see his brother in Texas. Need of a Mission The interest in one of our colonies is so great that several of the families have begged of us to get a meeting house where we can worship God. At Christmas time we gave out over 70 sacks of candy to as many children, This is not the only colony where we could have a Mission, but because of lack of workers we are unable to do more than give them a passing visit, some places once a month, and several places we have not been able to visit for several months, because we have to give time to teaching and instruct­ ing those who have been called out. To this end we would ask your prayers in our behalf, both that more workers shall be raised up, and also that funds may be sent In for a Mission hall that is urgent in a very needy place. Pray! Pray!! PRAY!!! .¿¡fc ate ate BIOLA HALL DAVID T. CANT, Supt. The conflict between Christ and Satan never seemed to wax more fierce than in these last days of the age of God’s grace. Knowing the time to be short, the devil, energizing his own, is

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