King's Business - 1921-03

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S friends followed her, seeking to per­ suade her to attend their Training School and warning her against the Bible Institute, saying, what has been true in many cases, that when Seventh Day Adventists go to the Bible Insti­ tute, they are never the same after­ wards! . They warned her that,-if she persisted in her present course, she would be eternally lost, “But,” said she, “I am saved.already.” “No,” they replied, “You will be lost, if you reject God’s holy Sabbath.” Some of our workers helped this younig Jewess to truly understand the difference between law and grace and since that time she has had no difficulty with the Sabbath question. She has since been baptized at one Of our Jewish meetings and has not only joined the Church of the Open Door, but is also taking the training course in the Bible at the Bible Insti­ tute while she waits for God to answer her prayer and convert and bring back to her her husband and children. Please pray for her and her family. AIZ, dip m m BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK MRS. LYMAN STEWART, Supt. A young woman came into a Bible class at the invitation of one of the members. She knew very little about the Bible and consequently her reli­ gious ' experience was very dim. She became very much interested in the Word and soon was searching diligently for the truth. She scarcely missed a lesson durihg the whole term and at the conclusion of the lesson when asked what\her Bible study had done for her with tears in her eyes replied, “It has led me to fully consecrate myself to Christ,” and later on she Came to the teacher, saying that she had organized a High School Class of eighteen girls and was passing on the lessons to them every week. Across the Continent to be Saved A young and very pretty giri came to California accompanied by an in­ valid Cousin and ¡her mother. A few days after her arrival a distant connec­ tion of :the- family brought her to the neighbourhood Bible class. The class was studying ls|t Thessaloinialns and were that afternoon in the fourth chap­ ter of the book. As the teaching pro­ ceeded the girl’s interest deepened and at the close of the lesson with tears in her eyes she asked the Bible woman if she could come and see her. An ap­ pointment was made, the Bible woman



Jesus said: “If any will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” What d'iscipleship often costs a Jew is illustrated in the following incident: A call came to visit a certain young Jewish woman who had some few months before accepted Jesus Christ as her Messiah. She was the daughter of an orthodox Jewish Rabbi and after the strictest manner had been raised in the Jewish faith. ' She had been con­ verted largely through the reading of a Bible which had been placed in her hands by a Seventh Day Adventist friend. (God uses, strange instruments sometimes). These people had an easy victim in her as, having been raised in an orthodox Jewish home, it was most natural for her to want to keep, even after her conversion, the seventh day. She attended Adventist meetings and became quite well indoctrinated with their views. She was on the point of being baptized in the Adventist Church when the Lord put a Hebrew Christian in her way and on that point her whole future changed. Her husband, who was but a nominal Jew, did not put serious opposition in the way of her becoming a Christian, but when he found her instructing their children concerning Jesus, he became enraged and threatened to leave. A Jewish Rabbi Confounded Later through the influence of other relatives of the family, rather tha,n from his own convictions, the husband had a Jewish Rabbi visit his wife on two different occasions to seek to coerce her into a return to Judaism. This Rabbi, who claimed he had caused the return •to Judaism of fifty1Hebrew Christians by speaking to them for five minutes, found himself and his poor weak arguments confounded by this young convert who used the Jewish Scrip­ tures, the Old Testament, against him, and he left in disgust and chagrin. •The husband, on finding all efforts to win his wife back to the Jewish faith, had failed, took with him one day, os­ tensibly for a walk, their two older children, and left the city for an east­ ern state, leaving the wife and 'a five or six months’ old baby. Pursued by Adventists Christian* friends brought her to this city where she obtained a much needed rest. Her Seventh Day Adventist

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