King's Business - 1921-03


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COMM EN T Keitk L. Brooks DAILY READINGS Dr. F. W. Farr ELEMENTARY - Mabel L. Merrill -

MARCH 6, 1921 JE SU S AM O N G H IS FR IEND S . Golden Text: She) hath done what she could. Mk. 14:8. LESSON TEXT Mat. 26:1-13. (Read Mk. 14:3-9; Lu. 7:36-50; Jno. 12:1-8.)

(1) And it cam e to pass, w hen Je su s had finished a ll th ese sayings, he said u n to his discip les, (2) Te know th a t a fte r tw o days is th e fe a st of th e passover, an d th e Son of m an is b e tra y ed to be crucified. (3) T hen assem bled to g e th e r th e chief p riests, and th e scribes, and th e eld ers of th e people, u n to th e palace of th e h ig h p riest, w ho w as Called C aiaphas. (4) And consulted th a t th e y m ig h t ta k e Je su s by su b - tilty , and kilL him . (5) B u t th e y said, N ot on th e fe a st day, lest th e re be án u p ro a r am ong th e peo­ ple. (6) Now w hen Je su s w as in B ethany, in th e house of Simon th e leper, (7) T here cam e un to him a w om an h a v in g an a la b a s te r box of very precious o intm ent, a n d poured (2) The Costly Sacrifice, vs. 6, 7. (3) The Criticizing Disciples, vs. 8, 9. (4) The Commending Lord, vs. 10- 15. INTRODUCTION The setting of this lesson needs a word of explanation. Matthew has seen fit to place this memorable incident be­ tween the conspiracy of the Jewish leaders and the be- LESSON trayal by Judas. His- EXPOSITTON torically the first two T. C. Horton verses belong to the closing message given in the- Mount of Olives. Leaving OUTLINE (1) The Conspiracy, vs. 1-5.

it on his head, a s he s a t a t m eat. (8) B u t w hen his disciples saw it, th e y had in d ignation, saying, To w h a t purpose is th is w a ste ? (9) F o r th is o in tm e n t-m ig h t have been., sold fo r m uch, and g iven to th e poor. (10) W hen Je su s u n d erstood it, he said un to them , W hy tro u b le ye th e w om an? fo r she h a th w ro u g h t a good w o rk upon me. (11) F o r ye have th e poor alw ay s w ith you; b u t me ye have n o t alw ays. (12) F o r in t h a t . she h a th poured th is o in t­ m en t on m y body, sh e did it fo r my b u rial. (13) V erily I say un to you, W heresoever th is gospel sh a ll be p reached in th e w hole w orld, th ere sh all also th is, th a t th is w om an h a th done, he to ld fo r a m em orial of her. Jericho, where blind Bartimeus had his eyes opened, and Zaecheus, the Publi­ can, had his heart opened, Jesus jour­ neyed on to Bethany. His feet are turned and His face is set toward the Hill of Suffering. A week of solemn ser­ vice was before Him; the long shadows of thei cross, upon which He was to make the sacrifice for sin, were upon Him. They journeyed with Him, the twelve Apostles, and no doubt many other beloved disciples who were drawn to Him by those wonderful ties which had separated them from earthly kin­ dred and • earthly possessions. How sweet was the fellowship, as, mingling in friendly association, Master and fol­ lowers trod those familiar roads'and

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