King's Business - 1921-03

1 9 2 0 2 5 ,0 0 0 SUBSCRIBERS for THE K ING ’S BUSINESS ! There it is ! Our prayer is answered ! It was a splendid work, and we want to thank every one of you who so generously aided us. Think of what it may mean to our Lord through the lives of the new friends! Defending the faith once for all delivered; deepening the con­ sciousness of the perils confronting the believers in these last days ; deliver­ ing many from the delusions and deadening power of false teaching; de­ veloping and strengthening the faith of the saints.; delighting thè Lord by stirring hearts to the work of saving the souls of the lost, and hastening His coming. Only eternity will reveal what one number of the magazine may do in the furthering of His blessed work ! We are seeking no vain glory* What has been wrought is in answer to prayer, and He must have all the glory. We must walk humbly and softly before Him and seek to make the magazine better than ever. N O W FOR 1921 A N EW M A RK— 5 0 ,0 0 0 ! Does it look big? Not now—to us. Just keep up the good work, setting aside a little for the propaganda, investing a wee bit in this venture for the Lord. LESS T H A N TW O C E N T S A WEEK A child’s job. Put some of.them to saving that amount. Then, there are the larger things. One church in a New York town subscribed for 134 copies ; a church in Oklahoma, for 100 copies ; one in Wisconsin for 100 copies ; one in Minnesota for 50 copies ; one ini California for 45 copies. One Sunday School in Los Angeles subscribes for 968 copies for its Home Department, and 225 copies for the main school. These are only a few of the large demands for a magazine that carries a Sunday School department greatly appreciated. We believe in the magazine ourselves, and asked the members of the church of which the writer is.Associate Pastor to give us a Christmas pres­ ent of a subscription so that we might gladden the heart of some mission­ ary or minister, and in response to this request they gave us nearly $600.00. We don’t want to wait until the end vof the year to stir your hearts, but ask you to DO IT NOW! REMEMBER a volume of the Fundamentals will be given with each subscription. (See the notice on front inside cover).

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