King's Business - 1921-03

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S gratitude, with glad hearts we cry: “Hallelujah! what a Savior!” A Command He left not many commands. We are free for service. He urges us, in view of His love and sacrifice. How can ,we stay away—until He comes? Let us gather-in grateful remembrancei, blending our hearts in loving adora­ tion. PRACTICAL POINTS, (1) The Passover Feast is past. The Table of our Lord takes its place. (2) ,What a holy,’ happy place at which to meet the Lord of glory! (3) The Lord has no favorites here. All believers are invited, and all are one at this feast. (4) Here He presides. He is the Host, and we partake of His hospitality. (5) Two epochs occupy our thoughts, —the cross and the blood, and the coming of the Bridegroom. (6) If we remember His commands, we will keep Him in remembrance. (7) No time or place specified,—when you will, where you will,;—only “Do this! ” (8) If you love Him, keep His com­ mandment. The Subject Illustration.-—“If you have not found Christ crucified as thè foundation of the whole volume, you have read your, Bible to very little pro­ fit. Your religion LESSON is a heaven with- ILLUSTRATION out a sun, an arch W. H. Pike. without a keystone, a compass without a needle, a clock without springs, a lamp without oil;rit will not comfort you, nor deliver your soul from destruc­ tion.” | , Queen Alexandra said, “In 1888 all my children received communion with me, and I gave Eddy (the Duke of Clarence) a little book,; and I . wrote in it— “Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling.”

262 in the Lord Jesus Christ. We say to Him: “We. believe in You, we take Your Name and Your place and ac­ knowledge Your leadership".” . A Prophecy. This, table has a voice which speaks of another life, “Till He come.” (1 Cor. 11:26):. (3) THE LORD’S SUPPER: “This is my blood of the new testament.” With the same bread and wine the Lord now institutes a new feast, sealed by the blood of a new covenant. “This is my body.” That the Lord could not have intended to teach that it was His literal body is plain, because He stood before them in His natural body. The Jews had been taught never to eat flesh with the blood, (John 6:53-57), and when the disciples said, “This is a hard saying, who can bear it,” He answered “It is the Spirit that quick- eneth; the flesh profiteth nothing.” (John 6:60-63). This supper is A Memorial.: The Lord authorized no monument erected, in His memory. He needed none. The Bible, the Lord’s Day, the Church, are lasting monuments. The crucifixion of Christ is the most mo­ mentous event in the world’s history and of that event the supper is a mem­ orial. The table recalls the cross. A Symbol This; table represents the invisible. The bread represents His body and the. cup His blood. His death represents His blood poured out. He has become the food for our souls—-there is none apart from Him. “Except ye eat—ye have no life in you.” (John 6:53). Thus it, becomes a channel for the in­ terpretation of spiritual blessings. A Thanksgiving Service .-*■ Here the soul is lifted ip praise to the Lord God; we remember His grace and devotion and all the benefits flow­ ing from His great- sacrifice. It stands between two peaks—the cross and the glory. He is .coming again! What a glorious prospect! Every, faithful heart is filled with

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