King's Business - 1921-03

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S took the sacrament He took the bread and brake it. Are we to suppose that He had two bodies in the upper room, the one living and the other dead? The theory of transubstantiation takes the Romanist to these impious absurdities. —^■McDonald. v. 28. This is my blood. No coven' ant could be made without shedding of blood (Ex. 24:8; Heb. 9:20) and no remission of sins without it.—Comp. Bible. A clear proof that Jesus re­ garded His death as an atoning sacri­ fice for the sins of the world and there­ fore as altering the relation of the whole human race to God.—Dumme- low. If Jesus was a mere man and not divine Son of God, this action was the height of presumption and blasphemy. Those who intelligently partake of the Lord’s supper acknowledge Him as Son of God or else themselves as the silli­ est of fools.—-Sel. As we do always with bread and wine for our natural life, so exactly must we do for our spiritual life with that which they represent here. Even bread broken and ready for eating does not sustain life of itself. Even wine poured out and ready for drinking does not cheer life of it­ self. Both must be actually partaken of if they are to tell indeed in our lives. Just so of that priceless blessing spoken of here. We must make it ours by faith. That bread of Heaven, that wine of agony, must be eaten and drunk (Jn. 6:53). All.this is a figure but with deepest significance.—Horn. Com. v. 29. Until that day. In the king­ dom of God, completed and perfected, He would be with them once again and then Master and disciples would be alike sharers in that joy in the Holy . Ghost of which wine was the appro­ priate symbol.—Plumptre. v. 30. Sung hymn. On the thresh­ old of suffering Christ with men sings a triumphant psalm. The hymn was used to cheer, strengthen and inspire confidence in God. Spiritual song should be used to bring men nearer to God. Kingsley says that in Heaven all speech will be song.—Douglas. Jesus At Supper With His Friends. Matt. 26:17-19. && - Memory Verse.—“This do in remem­ brance of me.” Luke 22:19. Approach.—Boys and girls, can you remember a time when - mother was away from home for a few days and


left some one to take care of you? Clara, did you miss BEGINNERS mother while she AND PRIMARY was away, and did Mabel L. Merrill you. wish for the time to hurry up for mother to come home again? Yes, indeed we miss mother when she is away, and Clara, perhaps if you had a picture of mother you would go often and look at it while mother was away. The ones who are away love to have us remember them too while they are away. Did you know Jesus wants us to remember Him while 'He is away getting a place ready for all who love Him, and in our story f6r today we are to learn what it was Jesus asked us to do. Prayer. Lesson Story.—Last Sunday we learned about Mary and her beautiful deed of kindness in pouring the pre­ cious perfume upon Jesus’ head and feet, because she wanted to show her love to Jesus who had done so much for her. Even though this story about Mary doing what she could happened so long ago while Jesus was living down here on earth, still we are hearing about Mary and her love for Jesus to­ day. Her deed is remembered and as Jesus said that night it happened, this would be Mary’s memorial. - Our story today happened very soon after the one of last week. It was the time of the year when all who loved Jesus kept the Passover feast. (Review briefly the meaning of the Passover). Now Jesus asked Peter and John to go and find a room where He could eat the Passover Supper with them, and Jesus told them just where to gojt so Peter and John went to Jerusalem and did exactly as Jesus had told them. When sunset came, the trumpets were blown | to say that the day had ended, and the time for the feast had begun. The supper was all ready, and if we could have looked out of the door with Peter and John we would have seen Jesus and

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