King's Business - 1921-03

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A ST ING ING Editorial ‘The Presbyterian,” of Philadelphia, has stood for ninety years as a defender of the faith, standing for the old Bible and a whole Bible. In a re­ cent editorial it says: “The Presbyterian Church, having been bitterly stung by the Interchurch World Movement, is now stirring up a nest of hornets that, in their power to stimulate activity, may rival the lively'band of insects that accelerated the retreat of the ancient unbelievers who ventured tio think that, while dishonoring God by their unbelief, they could take possession of the land of promise. Experience as a teacher has long since been proved to be incompetent. The devil’s alternative of war is compromise. We made ,a compromise with the Interchurch World Movement, and were stung. Full-lunged promoters of that imperious syndicate gave form to their hallucinations m the propaganda that if wePwere to “convert the money power of the world, the kingdom of God would come in a day.” Lured by the promise of this man-made millennium we pur- chased by notie of hand, their worthless debentures and we are now passing the hat to pay the piper for the merry dance they gave us. It smells^ of the curb mar­ ket and in the idiotic desire to hide our folly we are attempting to refund f the loss Through its assumption ,as “a debt of honor.” But nobody is deceived by any such sanctimonious pretense. We all know that we have been stung and that we are now treating ourselves with a pietistic massage to alleviate the pain. Let us pay and forgetl it,” said a prominent layman from the West. Quite so, but let us not for­ get what the experience may yet teach us. . The church is again facing the devil’s alternative. The proposed plan of organic union is an undisguised compromise. If we compromise we shall be again stung. We had better fight and thereby escape the irritation and cost of the sting. We cannot quote all of this splendid editorial, but we can rejoice in the sound, sane, sensible position it takes concerning this Interchurch-World Movement whose incompetent and irresponsible leaders a,re now seeking to impart the defunct and decayed body by clothing it with a new title and foisting it upon the gullible membership of the evangelical church. The plan is for an organic union. That means a fundamental union. The devil never lets up. He does not waste much time looking after the wicked. He has them, and they go on in their wicked ways. But he is long on religion and always has been. He is great on unions. He will join any system of re­ ligion, and put in his best efforts, provided they will eliminate the blood ot Jesus Christ. He hates Christ and well he may for Christ is to bruise his head in due season. How can there be any union of believers and unbelievers? Of those who believe in the great fundamental doctrines of the Bible, and those who deny the essentials of the faith? The very suggestion is a stab at the heart of our Lord. “ What concord hath Christ with Belial (the worthless, lawless one) ? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And every denier of the verity of the Scriptures and the essential Deity of Jesus Christ is an infidel. (See Noah Webster’s definition of infidelity). \ T. C. H. FA T A L Compromises Every compromise that has ever been made by the evangelical Christians has been fatal to the interests of the church. The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Word of God and the Holy Defender of the Faith. He never leads into, nor does He ever sanction any departure from the faith. There can be no honest compromise with error. Compromise is the first step towards apos-

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