King's Business - 1921-03

284 were more frequently and faithfully done it might even result in the post­ ponement of the funeral. At least it would afford an inducement to cling to life as long as possible that the sacred and happy ministries of love might be enjoyed. There is no regret more bitter and unavailing than the memory of inconsiderate neglect after the tired hands have been folded for their last long sleep. WEDNESDAY, March 9. John 15:12- 2 1 . Fellowship Sweeter Than Service. It is a blessed privilege to be a worker under God and for God under any circumstances bu|t' it is even a higher privilege to be a worker to­ gether with God. 2 Cor. 6:1. If ser­ vice alone was desired, where could God find better and more willing ser­ vants than the angels, those delighted ministers of His will who hearken to the voice of His word? A master or mistress lays certain commands upon servants concerning duties to be done but no revelation is given concerning the plans and purposes of .the business or the household. God desires to share His eternal counsels with His people and whisper celestial secrets in their ears. UnwiiUns^ss to listen' and co- operate is evidlHe of an unfriendly attitude and an unfilial heart. . “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him and He will show them His covenant.” THURSDAY, March 10. Gen. 18:16-22. God and Abraham. Abraham is known throughout the East as El Kalil, the friend of God. In dealing with him God took him into His confidence and told him before­ hand what He proposed to do in the case of Sodom. It was no particular concern of Abraham’s. He was not a resident of Sodom and had no connec­ tion with the doomed city, but because God and Abraham were friends it was natural and proper for the matter to be

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S freely discussed between them. This Divine friendship is initiated from above. God makes the first advances. May we not believe that Christ and Paul were such friends? Nevertheless Paul in deep humility calls himself re­ peatedly “the bond-slave of Jesus Christ.” We would not dare to suggest or imagine such a relationship our­ selves, but in thankful and adoring reverence we may accept the Divine estimate and respond to the Divine appeal. FRIDAY, hlarch 11. John 21:15-25. The Investigation of Love. Paraphrasing the words of Jesus and Peter to bring out the exact meaning of each, we understand the Master to say, “Peter, do you love Me ardently _and intensely, more than all the others do?” Perhaps Jesus had in mind the profession of Peter in Mark 14:29. Peter however had learned modesty and humility by experience and he diffi­ dently replies, “Lord thou knowest that I am friendly or kindly disposed to thee.” The same question and the same answer followed. Then Jesus said, “Peter, are you friendly or even kindly disposed toward me?” Peter was grieved not at the Lord’s persistence in a three-fold inquiry but at His taking out of Peter’s mouth the word he had been using and making it the basis of his third appeal. He will not go be­ yond it however and he repeats “Lord thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I am kindly disposed toward thee.” The comfort in this for us is that the Lord condescends to our low estate and meagre capacity, graciously accepting that kind and measure of regard that we are able to give Him, even though it be infinitely less than that which he deserves and which we ought to give. SATURDAY, March 12. Amos 3:1-8. Keeping Step with God. Harmony of sound is music. Har­ mony of color is beauty. Harmony of word to thought is poetry. Harmony

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