King's Business - 1921-03

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


possible into tbe credible and possible. THURSDAY, March 31. Acts 2:1^18. After the Resurrection, What? Glorious as the Easter evangel is, it is not the climax of the Christian mes­ sage. That is service. When Paul has scaled the mountain height of 1 Cor. 15, he goes a step higher in 1 Cor. 16:1. “Now concerning the.collection.” This is not an anti-climax. It is an offering for the poor. It is bearing one another’s burdens. The goal of the Christian system is not thought but action. Pentecost means power for service. “Ye shall receive the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me.” There are three great days in the church cal­ endar, Christmas, Easter and Whit­ sunday. The seventh Sunday after Easter is called “White Sunday” because in the early church -Christians dressed in white to commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit, As Christmas com­ memorates the birth of Jesus, Augus­ tine called Pentecost the “dies natalis” of the Holy Spirit, “Have ye received the Holy Spirit since ye believed?” Acts 19:2. ate 84» THE WAY SOME PRAY A'little boy, whose conduct made his mother say that she feared he did not pray, replied, “Yes, I do: I pray every night that God will make you and pa like my ways better.” gm»nmmm«mmiii»iiiiiitfiii....................................... ................ iiuiniy, 1 SILVER • 1 and GOLD | are t. not ours to give, but any, of | 1 our publications you may have ab- | I solutely free, simply for. the asking. | | Be sure to write for a free copy a | of McConkey’s little devotional I | booklet, "The Sure Shepherd." It | | will help strengthen your faith. 1 Address S il v e r P u b l i s h i n g C o ., I Dept. F, Bessemer Building, | Pittsburgh, Pa. • I SiiniiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiinHniiamiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiinuniiniiiimiHnuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiuiiHiiiHnii£


A F fE R T H O U G H T S

Kansas City Star says: “Ministers, like alarm clocks, get most of their abuse for doing their duty.” A writer in Chicago News says: “Man seems to be able to effect (the conquest Of everything that binds and limits him except human nature.” When will people learn that it is “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” - which sets one free from the law of sin and deaith? There are some church members who can join in the confession of old Ras- tus: “I sleeps well and I eats well, but somehow I has no desiah to work.” “It is easier to understand what hap­ pened at Babel,” says the Richmond News Leader, “after one listens to the concert of nations.” The 1tax returns compiled by the U. S. Treasury Department show that American ladies spread $750,000,000 on their faces in 1920, in the shape of cosmetics, etc. The men beautified themselves with $2,200,000,000 worth of tobacco. This latter is $200,000,000 more than the total expenditure for automobiles. This is a little indication of the pace we are going in this coun­ try. What may we expect the coming generation to be? Think of the money that has been poured out by this country on the vain endeavors to have peace without Jesus Christ. The latest news is that a committee of the House has been ap­ pointed to investigate President Wil­ son’s expense account on his Paris peace trip. The little sum of $1,651,- 000 was used by the President on his trip. Several items in his accounts have caused some comment. One item is for $126,000 for damage done to Hotel Crillon. The Massachusetts representative said, “We want to find out how many bottles of champagne were paid for out of the $284,000 spent for food and kitchen supplies.” All man’s schemes for peace are very costly and what an utter failure they have all proven. May the Prince of Peace come soon!

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