King's Business - 1921-03

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 217 through the winter alive. Bad sanitary conditions and famine have been killing the people by the thousands. It seems impossible to send material help to our Christian friends in Russia. We can reach them only in prayer by way of God’s throne. —A. C. D. £[<£. a» a» I s CHR IST IAN ITY or the Human Race on Trial? A pamphlet has had wide circulation recently, urging people to a most worthy and needed action in sending relief immediately to the poor little starving children in Eastern and Central Europe ! We feel that swift action is necessary to save these monuments of the frightful frenzy of war from starvation or death by exposure to fatal sickness which will surely sweep relentlessly upon them. The object of my protest is the type of material used in the supposed sermonic material which is involved in thé pamphlet. The statement is made : ‘ t Christianity is on trial, ’’ in connection with many other asser­ tions which follow under the heading : 11Christian Civilization Is On Trial.” This “ Source Material For Sermons” has emanated from some mail order supply house and it looks as though it has the Mark of the Beast on the proposition when you read the list of organiza­ tions which are federated in the enterprise, some of which are Anti-Chris­ tian absolutely, and all are unscriptural in their pronouncement! “ Chris­ tianity is on trial !” , •> The assertion that “ Christian Civilization Is On Trial” is absurd! There is no such thing as Christian Civilization in any nation of the earth today. There are Christian men and women and children, but there are no Christian nations: There is not a nation on earth today which has arrived at the standard set up in the Ten Commandments. Murderers, thieves, liars, adulterers, blasphemers, covetous and ungodly people out­ number the regenerated people possibly five to one throughout the earth at the present time; and moral conditions, as set forth by the juvenile court records, are increasingly bad among the young people everywhere. The trick of the devil is to throw the blame on Christ and Christianity. He is the “ accuser” of God and man. If he can get humanity to the point of a controversy with God and Christianity, his work of further debauching the race will be greatly prospered. Humanity is on trial! Let it grip your hearts! Humanity is on trial! Every time the race has been given an opportunity for the upward look, and the upward walk, the devil has set a trap or engaged in trench warfare, and the self-confident sons of men have fallen into the snares and pitfalls. Man, in his blind atheism, has sought to get on to perfect self-content­ ment apart from God. He does not reckon with God as to his origin or destiny! The educational institutions are wallowing in actual atheism! The authors of text books on lines pertaining to the origin and development of man claim to be “ Christian evolutionists.” I want to state positively there are no Christian evolutionists, as there are no Christian atheists! EVOLUTION IS THE DEVIL’S COUNTERFEIT OF GOD’S DOCTRINE OF CREATION !

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