The Word of Life Experience: Summer 2024

Drew '11 & Shannon '11 Landgren (top left)

Ben Allison '08 (top right)

Caroline Samson '99 (middle right)

Lisa Lewis '96 (bottom right)

Hey Alumni Family!

“I really loved serving on the media team! The

summer I supervised was both challenging and rewarding, and I loved every minute. If

God’s design for His people is for them to walk in commu- nity and be encouraged. Check out all the ways you can get connected with your peers from the Bible Institute! Visit Our Website Find easy access to all things alumni in our webpage designed just for you. Send Us an Update Fill out a simple form to change your address, announce life updates (wedding, baby, retire- ment, etc.), or just share how you have seen God working lately.

it wasn't for Word of Life's training, Dylan Franklin, and Sam Catlin, I wouldn't be doing what I am doing right now! I am so thankful and blessed!” – Ella Sharpless '23 “The classes and professors were always amazing. I loved being surrounded by like-minded Christians and being encouraged to

constantly grow! I also have a lot of positive memories of meeting my now husband and beginning our dating life

at WOL. So, Word of Life holds a special place in our hearts as it brought us closer to our Savior as well as brought us together."

– Kate McDougall '17

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