The Word of Life Experience: Summer 2024

When the Gospel “Clicks”

Coming this fall, get ready for an all-night event packed with a professional sports game, intense games, unbelievable prizes, and great food until dawn! That’s not even the best part! We begin these incredibly fun, all-night activities by giving teens the gospel in a way they can understand and giving them a chance to respond. THE BEST EVANGELISTIC ALL-NIGHTER ON THE PLANET

“There was a young lady who came to Reverb with her youth group. She had been connected through a program that allows students to get out of school for a short while for religious instruction. When the gospel was presented at Reverb, she raised her hand and went back for counseling. She said she loved God but had never realized she needed to seek forgiveness from God for her sin. As Kris shared the gospel, something “clicked,” and she realized her need to ask for that forgiveness. That night, she asked for forgiveness and trusted Jesus as her Savior.”

Leaving the Act Behind and Trusting in Jesus

“A young man named Josh, who had just signed up to come to the Bible Institute next year, had been inviting students from his wrestling team to attend Reverb. One of the friends he invited accepted Christ during the event. He admitted that he was tired of the act he was putting on. After watching his Christian friend (Josh) and his strong testimony, he said he was tired of living a lie and accepted Christ. Josh and his elder then had the opportunity to counsel this new believer in Christ.”

Be on the lookout! More information is coming on how you can get involved in Reverb as an alumnus.


The Word of Life Experience

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