
12B — December 24, 2021 - January 20, 2022 — Pennsylvania — M ID A TLANTIC Real Estate Journal



Dalane Management acquires 1310-1360 Columbia Dr. LandmarkCommercial Realty's Heller brokersmultifamily sale

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ERSHEY , PA — Chuck Heller , ex- ecutive VP of Land-

mark Com- mercial Re- alty handled the sale of the 20-unit apa r tmen t complex at 1 3 1 0 - 1 3 6 0 Columbia Dr. wh i ch wa s

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Chuck Heller

acquired by Dalane Manage- ment, LLC . The property off of Chocolate Ave., is comprised of five brick buildings with an original construction date of 1986. “This is the first time the property was offered for sale since the late 1990s,” Heller said. “It is also located in one CAMP HILL, PA — SVN | LATUS has completed the sale of 17,075 s/f industrial ware- house located at 371 Milroy Rd. in Dauphin County, PA to YTSH, LLC. Ida McMurray of SVN | LATUS represented the seller,

1310-1360 Columbia Dr.

well above the asking price and landing at a 3.5 % CAP rate for the in-place net operating in- come. The final sale price ended up at the cost of $125,000 per apartment unit. MAREJ

of the region’s most desirable school districts. I anticipate it being a legacy property in the new owner’s portfolio.” The units were rented well under market, thus selling at Milroy 371 Investment, LLC and Craig Dunkle of Marcus & Millichap represented the buyer, YTSH Realty, LLC in this transaction. SVN| LATUS has completed the sale of 1,888 s/f Airbnb property located at 514 S. York


Rd. in Cumberland County to 1st Advantage Holdings, LLC. McMurray represented the seller, David & Janice Waltz and Brad Cleland of Re/Max 1st Advantage represented the buyer in this transaction. MAREJ McMurray of SVN | LATUS completes 17,075 s/f warehouse sale


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Contact Lea Christman for more information! 781-740-2900 or lea@marejournal.com

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