
12C — December 24, 2021 - January 20, 2022 — Industry Experts — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


Industry Experts

Resulting in the production of 740,000 kWh in clean renewable energy for owners and tenants Nessel Energy installs rooftop solar at Fellowship Corporate Center in Mount Laurel, New Jersey


property owner is only one of the benefits. New Jersey- based Nessel Energy will share its strong commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and help other businesses achieve their ESG goals. The project, which is currently under construc- tion, is scheduled for comple- tion by yearend. “This is one of several new projects we have in the pipe- line,” said Nessel Energy managing director, Thomas Loredo , a veteran of the commercial construction and renewable energy industries

for more than 40 years. “We understand both markets and as such provide solutions that create value for all parties as solar energy is about more than cost efficiencies.” Loredo notes that the Roof- top Revenue Program (RRP) enables owners to use the sustainable benefits of solar energy, transforming stranded and unused assets into reve- nue-producing real estate. He adds, “But it’s not only profit - ability, we are simultaneously helping people and other busi- nesses contribute positively to creating a better future.” Says Ari Nessel , principal of Nessel Development, parent company of Nessel Energy, “What better way to show our own commitment to ESG goals than to install solar on roof- tops at Fellowship Corporate Center. It is something we’ve had our sights on since acquir- ing the site nearly 18 months ago.” Speaking of the com- pany’s overriding principals, he explains, “Our ESG efforts provide for maintaining strong environment standards, such as sustainable natural materi- als, renewable energy, water conservation and CO2 reduc- tion. It is just one of the social issues we support through our non-profit initiatives.” MAREJ Energesco Mechanical welcomes industry veteran, McAteer ALEXANDRIA, VA — En- ergesco Mechanical, LLC announced that Will McAteer

OUNT LAUREL, NJ — Nessel En- ergy , a provider of

sustainable energy solutions for real estate owners and developers across New Jersey, breaks ground on the installa- tion of rooftop solar at 300 and 350 Fellowship Rd. in Mount Laurel. Owned and managed by its parent company, Nessel Development , the buildings will house 130 kW and 425 kW solar systems respectively and generate a combined 740,000 kWh in clean renewable en- ergy annually. Decreased operating expenses for the

300 and 350 Fellowship Road in Mount Laurel, NJ

ha s j o i ned the company as i t s new chi e f oper - ating officer (COO), where he will be re- sponsible for o v e r s e e i ng Energesco’s

Will McAteer

operations and will support CEO William Bennett in ex- ecuting the company’s vision of becoming a premier mechanical contractor in the Washington, DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia area. In his capacity as COO, Will oversees all aspects of op- erations and planning for the company’s Construction and Service departments to achieve its corporate goals, strategic market expansion and imple- mentation of business develop- ment efforts. MAREJ

P o s k a n z e r S k o t t A r c h i t e c t s 550 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 201.445.2322 www.poskanzerskott.com

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