
14D — December 24, 2021 - January 20, 2022 — Year in Review 2021 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


Year in Review 2021

John Johnson IOREBA

Kathy Anderson P rogress C apital A dvisors

Bruce Gudin E hrlich , P etriello , G udin , P laza & R eed P.C.

Brad Domenico P rogress C apital A dvisors

Kenneth Crimmins T he B lau & B erg C o .

Jason M. Crimmins T he B lau & B erg C o .

Alessandro Conte T he B lau & B erg C o .

S tacey M ilam M arcus & M illichap

John Zoetjes A merican A rchitectural W indow & D oor

Shaun Keegan S olar L andscape

Derek Reed E hrlich , P etriello , G udin , P laza & R eed P.C.

Brandon Buhai DAWGS

David Zimmel Z immel A ssociates

Jordan Zimmel Z immel A ssociates


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