22D — December 24, 2021 - January 20, 2022 — Year in Review 2021 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal
Year in Review 2021
Joseph Romano A ccordia R ealty V entures
Robert Gerard H olt C onstruction
Marc Tropp E astern U nion
William Gladstone NAI CIR
Brian Milberg S itex G roup
Richard Warner W arner R eal E state & A uction
Jack Shepley NAI CIR
Walt Cichonski LF D riscoll
Sadie McKeown C ommunity P reservation C orp .
Sue Boyle GEI C onsultants , I nc .
M atthew L eonelli S heldon G ross R ealty
Gary Brozowski K earny B ank
John Cromie C onnell F oley
E ric W eston S heldon G ross R ealty
Robert Dick P recis E ngineering
Nico Pugliese AKF G roup
Katie Jacoby A nchor H ealth P rops .
Kent Doss A rray
Michael Nachtome M urray C onstruction
Eric Heller M idtown C ommerical R ealty
David DePetris L egend P roperties , I nc .
Paul LaCrosse, PE, LEED AP AKF G roup
Mark W. Eisenhardt H enderson G roup
David Orbach R egal B ank
Jerry Fennelly NAI F ennelly
Bryan Cole NAI K eystone
Jennifer Mazawey Vinosky G enova B urns
Ralph Zucker S omerset D evelopment
Joe Massott AKF G roup
Richard Birdoff RD M anagement
Carolyn Stanworth BL C ompanies
Dan Caldwell S tout and C aldwell
Rick Schontz C ity L ine C apital
Steve Chen C rystal W indow & D oor S ystems , L td .
Peggy Ireland W hitesell C o .
Anthony Bifano AKF
Michael McGuinness NAIOP NJ
James Conley M arcus & M illichap
Gregg Wallace AMA F inancial LLC
Nancy Erickson C olliers
Elizabeth Morrow C olliers
Richard Gorodesky C olliers
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