MHFA England brand book version 1.0
Instructor Member badge
Instructor Member badge white version
We have a range of badges for people to display their relationship with us. Instructor Member badge We have a badge for our Instructor Member community. This accreditation badge shows that they are approved to deliver MHFA England courses. We ask all our Instructor Members to use their badge and not the MHFA England main logo on their website, email signature, social media profiles, and any marketing materials. This helps to avoid confusion by clearly demonstrating that they are an accredited member, and not an employee of the organisation itself. There are two colour versions of the badge. The main green one is for use on light backgrounds. The white version is to stand out on colour backgrounds and images. Instructor Members can download their badge from their dashboard at . There is more guidance on using the badge, as well as advice on marketing courses, in the Instructor Member Marketing and Communications Guide which is available on the dashboard.
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