MHFA England brand book version 1.0
Colour palette Always use the WebAIM contrast checker to test your colour choices for visual accessibility. Primary palette Our core brand green feels fresh, lively, and optimistic. It suggests nature which supports mental health and wellbeing. Our brand green should be the most prominent colour in any materials that relate to our core identity or messaging. Secondary palette Our secondary palette is designed to complement the primary palette. It allows more freedom and range to create inclusive, accessible designs. The secondary palette can be used flexibly but smartly: – Use it to create impact but avoid using too many different colours at once – Make sure our core brand identity is still clear and not overwhelmed by supporting colours
Primary palette
MHFA England green R101 G171 B49 C66 M6 Y100 K0 Pantone 368 C #5FA944
Nature green R53 G134 B43 C60 M0 Y68 K47 Pantone7739 C #35862B
Secondary palette
Stone R135 G135 B135 C0 M0 Y0 K47 Pantone 877 C #878787
Silver R218 G218 B218 C0 M0 Y0 K15 Pantone 427 C #DADADA
Yellow R255 G214 B66 C0 M16 Y74 K0 Pantone 122 C #FFD642
Coral R234 G103 B102 C0 M56 Y56 K8 Pantone 805 C #EA6766
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