MHFA England brand book version 1.0
Shapes and patterns
Guide for use – Use shapes and patterns subtly. Only use where they enhance the content, not clash or compete with it – Never let background textures impact accessibility. Be mindful of colour contrast, and don’t place a bold pattern behind text – Don’t mix more than one approach – Allow space between the edges of the shapes and surrounding text
We can use shapes and patterns to add visual interest to our materials and increase brand recognition. Curves To reflect the warmth of our brand, we use flowing, curved shapes and avoid hard edges and angles. Stylised speech bubble Our courses emphasise the importance of supportive mental health conversations. The stylised speech bubble reflects this, while also following the shape of our logo. It can be overlaid on photography, and used to contain text such as titles. Tilted M The M shape of our logo, tilted diagonally, enlarged and cropped. Use 25% opacity. The colour can be adjusted to suit the product palette. This can be used to complement and add interest to plain areas of designs such as slide decks, reports and brochures. There is an example on page 3. My Whole Self The My Whole Self campaign uses dots and lines as a background motif, reflecting the campaign logo. For examples, see the My Whole Self section on page 42.
Stylised speech bubble
Tilted M
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