King's Business - 1955-01

BOOK REVIEWS All recommended books may be obtained from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.


Christian Businessmen's Committee "W A N T E D : A M A N ” — "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Ezek. 22:30. CBMC invites Christian businessmen and professional men to take an

The Hilly Graham Story By Charles T. Cook

active part in leading other businessmen to Christ. For complete information, write: CBMC, 512 Story Bldg., 610 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif.

This little book by the editor of The Christian of London, England, sketches the Billy Graham revival movement from its inception in Los Angeles in 1949. While there is nothing new here, the work does pro­ vide an introduction to the young evangelist’s work and methods. Five Graham sermons conclude the vol- |ume, which includes some excellent I illustrations. 128 pages; cloth; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111.; $1.95. A H istory of Preaching By Edwin Charles Dargan The reissuing of this important work has been hailed with enthusi­ asm by students, preachers and teach­ ers. Originally published in two vol­ umes in 1905, this book contains over a thousand pages of concentrated data on the preachers of the Christian age to the beginning of our own century'. The index contains the names of hundreds of preachers from many dif­ ferent countries. This work has been extremely scarce for many years and now that it is again available no minister will want- to be without it. 577 & 591 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $7.95. The Victorious Life By William S. Deal This Guide Book for Victorious Liv­ ing contains many good things on the subjects of prevailing prayer and the personal knowledge of God’s Word. That its author is convinced of the possibility of the loss of eternal life by the sinning Christian is quite evident in the last section of the book, “ Perseverance.” The introduc­ tion and foreword are contributed by Drs. C. Hoyt Watson and Cornelius P. Haggard, presidents of outstand­ ing Arminian colleges. 159 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. The Treasury of ft . A . T orrey Introduction by George T. B. Davis The introduction describes mission­ ary Davis’ contacts with Dr. Torrey when as a journalist he covered the Torrey-Alexander meetings in Great Britain. Here in another of Revell’s “ Treasury” books the reader will find outstanding chapters from several of | the evangelist’s works. They are j characteristic of the man and cover

360 million Indians need your prayers! Training national workers is a sound investment; $10 a month pro­ vides board and room for one student at the Hindustan Bible Institute in Madras, India. WE TRA IN NAT IONAL M ISSIONARIES IN IND IA For more complete information, write: Hindustan Bible Institute 1059 So. Hope St.( Los Angeles 15, Calif.

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