King's Business - 1955-01

( i l l ! T to“Z "A ” sta n d s for R o ge r G. A lii « son, our senior missionary in Israel. “ ZM sta n d s for M o rris Zutrau, in charge of our Gospel ministry •in San Francisco, California; pastor of the Hebrew Christian assembly.

Scripture indexes open the treasures of illustration in this volume to the reader. This reprint will be welcomed by many who have sought for the out-of-print editions. 718 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $4.95.


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Between "A ” and “ Z” there are letters which stand for more than twenty of our missionaries — in India, Israel, Europe and America. Ail of them preach Him who is the Alpha and Omega of our salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ. By this ministry the hungry are fed, the destitute comforted, and the poor hear the blessed Gospel preached. All and every available means worthy of our Lord are used in making Him known to His kinsmen the Jews. We need the prayers ot those who are burdened for Israel. We need your loving ’support ~ —— > for this worldwide fruitbearing Chris­ tian witness. Mr. Christian! “ The Master bath need of thee." FREE: Read thrilling reports of Jewish J evangelism in our magazine ISRAEL MY GLORY. Yours for the asking. THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Missionary an d Relief Society, Inc. U.S.A. Headquarters:; « 728 Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa>j \ President: Joseph M. Steele General Secretary: Rev. Victor Buksbazen j ^ Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar ' J __ 1066 Avenue Road, Toronto_12, Ontario i Dear Friends of Israel: Dept. 728K I am se n d in g e n clo se d tor yo u r m inistry $ - NAME_________________________________ __________ _ ADDRESS-

Biographical Preaching for Today By Andrew Watterson Blackwood

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The veteran professor of Homiletics at Princeton Theological Seminary and the Temple University School of Theology has published another vol­ ume in his remarkable series of books on preaching. Valuable chapters dis­ cuss the ways of biographical preach­ ers and the proven methods of ser­ mon preparation for the treatment of Bible cases. Dr. Blackwood holds that such preaching can effectively be used to promote systematic Bible reading in the home, even in our modern day. The section, “ Openings for Additional Sermons,” lists texts and accompanying titles only. Indexes of subjects and Scripture, together with bibliographies, enhance the val­ ue of the book. 224 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, New York; $3.00. These chapters are the published Bob Jones University Lectures on Evangelism for 1953. The author is the well-known pastor of The Peo­ ple’s Church of Toronto, Ont. Sug­ gestive sections deal with the quali­ fications for evangelism and evange­ lism in action. Great evangelists like Wesley, Finney, Whitefield and Moody live again in these pages and instruct the evangelists of our day. Inquiry room methods and missionary evangelism are dealt with in some detail. 151 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. Giants of the m issionary Trail By Eugene Myers Harrison The professor of missions and evan­ gelism at Wheaton College, himself a former missionary to Burma, adds another title to his growing list of life sketches of great missionaries. The subjects treated here include W il­ liam Carey, George Grenfell, Adon- iram Judson, David Livingstone, James Chalmers and Jonathan Go­ forth. These studies are valuable for use in missionary society, young peo­ ple’s and study classes. Each sketch concludes with questions, topics and assignments for study, as well as bibliographical suggestions. 184 pages; cloth; Scripture Press Book Division, Chicago, 111.; $2.50. END. The Consuming Fire By Oswald J. Smith


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