King's Business - 1955-01

6. What do we learn about the devil in Matt. 4:1-11? Notice that he came to Christ with a threefold temptation— the same three things mentioned in 1 John 2:15-17, namely, 1) the lust of the flesh, 2) the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Discuss these three things. 7. What does John mean by the term world in 1 John 2:15? 8. What are some of the “ things that are in the world” that the Christian is not to love? 9. What is meant by “ the lust of the flesh” ? 10. What is meant by “ the lust of the eyes” ? 11. What is meant by “ the pride of life” ? 12. What is the ultimate end of the “world” as depicted in our text? (v. 17.) 13. Who is it that shall “ abide forever” ? (v. 17.) 14. What is the condition of the world according to 1 John 5:19? What are the evidences of this fact? 15. What is the evidence of lust in James 4:1, 2? 16. Why are some prayers unanswered? (Jas. 4:3.) 17. What names are given to some peo­ ple by the Word of God? (Jas. 4:4.) 18. What do these names mean? 19. Why cannot a man be a friend of the world and of God, too? (Jas. 4:4.) 20. How can the believer escape the lusts of the world and live a holy life for the glory of God? (cp. Rom. 12:1,2; Gal. 2:20; Gal. 5:22-26; Eph. 5:1-20; 6: 10 - 20 .) Feb. 27, 1955 The Beatitudes Matt. 5:1-12 DAILY READINGS Feb. 21 — Divine Comfort Feb. 22 — Productive Christians Feb. 23 — A Rule for Forgiving Feb. 24 — Storing Up Treasures Feb. 25 — Sons of God Feb. 26 — Overcoming the World Rev. 2:7, 17 HEART OF THE LESSON The word beatitude means blessed, and blessed means happy. God wants His chil­ dren to be happy. There is nothing gloomy or sad about the gospel— it is the most glorious news in all the world. The blood of Christ makes reconciliation for sinners and brings every believer into blessed fellowship with God (Col. 1:20; 2 Cor. 5:21.) To maintain this happy fellowship the believer follows simple rules—the rules outlined in the Beatitudes. Let us study these precious rules together today. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Who is the teacher of these rules of Christian conduct? (w . 1,2.) 2. What does it mean to be “poor in spirit” ? (v. 3 with Rom. 12:16; Eph. 4:1-3; Phil. 2:5,12-15.) What is the reward for this attitude? (v. 3.) 3. What is the condition and the re­ ward of the second beatitude? (v. 4.) See CONT INUED ► Mott. 11:28-30 John 15:1-5 M ark 1 1:25, 26 Matt. 6:19-23 1 John 3:1-3


N O W O * n e v e r | Political and social unrest in Africa increase. 'Pent up hatreds and fears find expression in criminal assault, race riots and the murderous Mau Mau raids. Africa today is threatened with a revolution which might end unlimited missionary activ­ ity on “ the dark continent.” Christ is the only answer to Africa’s problems, for spiritual need is the basic need of Africa.

. •„ i territories


8 Languages January, 1955, rnarks the beginning of the great POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE campaign of Scripture distribution and mass evangelization in Africa. The mounting crisis and the pressure of time in Africa are challenging missionary leaders who have asked PTL to undertake this far-reaching campaign. The first large-scale evangelistic effort will begin in Kenya, the Belgian Congo and Tanganyika. Scriptures are printed in the six main tribal languages of these territories, in addition to English and French.

PRAY for continent-wide revival Your prayerful support is the life-blood of this campaign! We urge you to pray as never be­ fore for the people of Africa—that the Gospel may reach their hearts before itds too late! Write for a free copy of our Africa survey. ------ALFRED A. KUNZ, Exe cu tive D irector The PocketTestament/ League I 156 FIFTH AVEN U E, N EW Y O R K 10, N. Y.

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