King's Business - 1955-01

SUNDAY SCHOOL continued 24,25). Man is so prone to forget the mercies of God. Helps for the Children We Remember Jesus Matt. 3:13-17; 26:26-28; 1 Cor. 11:23-26 MEMORY VERSE: "[Jesus said] this do in remembrance of me" 1 Cor. 11:24. Before the Lord Jesus went back to His Father in heaven He left some com­ mandments about ways in which we can remember His love for us and show our love for Him. Most churches that truly teach God’s Word baptize those who have received the Lord Jesus as personal Saviour. Bap­ tism does not save anyone; it is a testi­ mony to others of the new birth that has already taken place. It is a picture of be­ ing buried and raised again as was the Lord Jesus. Another way in which Christians re­ member their Lord is by taking part in the Lord’s Supper or the communion service. As the crackers or bread are eaten Christians remember that the body of the Lord Jesus was bruised and broken for them. When they drink the grape juice they remember the blood that the Saviour shed upon the cross of Calvary for their sins. God’s Word warns us not to take communion in an irreverant manner. It is a sacred hour in God’s house when whispering, giggling, and thinking of other things grieves the Lord Jesus. Only those who know the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour should take communion. Some churches teach that only members of their own church should take communion. As you watch the ordinance of baptism or worship during the communion service, remember that the Saviour wants you to take part in these sacraments or ordinances in remembrance of Him and His love for you, and to show your love for Him.

Feb. 27, 1955 The Church Proclaims the Gospel Rom. 10:8-15; 1 Cor. 2:1-5 Pointers on the Lesson This lesson logically follows the two immediately preceding as it expresses the fundamental task of the church, that is, the proclaiming in both word and deed the good news of what God has done for us in Christ. The Church's Obligation Rom. 10:8-15 The Word of the gospel is accessible to Jew and Gentile. But God has so planned it that those who have already received the good news shall declare it by word of mouth and consistent living to those who as yet have not received it. The witnesses of the Lord are to show the unsaved that they need to confess that Jesus is Lord (v. 9 A.R.V.). Only deity is competent to save. They must also make clear that this Lord both died and arose from the dead for them in order to care for the sin question. It must be made clear that the matter of salvation is a matter of the heart, man’s inner being, which will express itself in an outward confession (v. 10). The invitation to salvation is universal. Thank God for the word whosoever (v. 11). Anyone can substitute his own name for it with perfect justification. The be­ lieving referred to here is not only an intellectual belief, but also an active as­ sent of the will (John 1:12). Saving faith is a responsive faith. It does some­ thing about the things which are to be believed. The matter of calling upon the Lord referred to in verses 12,13 and 14 has to do with an effectual outreach of faith for salvation. Such a call always receives an immediate response from the heart of God.


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At the soul-thrilling Tenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Jewish Evan­ gelism, the challenge of reaching world Jewry for Christ was met with sacrifice. It was won­ derful to witness the spontaneous outpouring of gifts and pledges to provide a substantial monthly check for the Bethany Orphanage lo­ cated at Haifa in the land of Israel, also for a car to be sent to Jerusalem to aid in the work of the HaimofFs. These are just two of the recent steps of faith through which the work of AAJE is being expanded to reach more Jews for Christ. These added responsibilities call for increased devotion and sacrifice on the part of Christian friends. May we count on your prayerful support? W rite for m ore inform ation on our m inistry to Jew s. Rev. A. B. Machlin, Executive Director TH E A M E R IC A N A S S O C IA T IO N F O R J E W IS H E V A N G E L IS M , Inc. Dept. K Winona Lake, Indiana

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Chicago 18, Illinois

“You may give without loving but you cannot love without giving.”


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