King's Business - 1955-01

for the particular field of their choice! (TUITION FREE)

Missionary Course requires six weeks of supervised on-the-field home mission work in preparation for foreign service. This work could be among Indians or mountaineers, for example. Field Specialization in Extracurricu­ lar Activities . . . Through Mission­ ary Union, a student organization, you have unusual opportunities to pray for missionaries on every field, especially the field of your choice, and to read letters from them; to serve on missionary deputation teams; and to hear different mis­ sionary speakers every week and talk to them personally. In addi­ tion, you may visit officials of na­ tionally known mission boards hav­ ing offices in Chicago.

Moody’s M issionary Course provides s p e c ia l iz e d t r a in in g to enable you to win the lost to Christ on the foreign mission field. In addition to a thorough background o f Bible and regular missionary subjects, Phonetics, M issionary Principles and Practice, and Com­ parative Religions are also offered to equip you to meet varied problems on the field. Tuition is free.

have had experience in their sub­ jects. Manual Training, Bookkeep­ ing, Cookery, Dentistry, Obstetrics and Elementary Medicine are among the electives available. Field Specialization in Practical Christian Work . . . At Moody you put into practice what you learn. For instance, if you’re going to Japan, your practical Christian work assignments take you into Japanese churches and homes. The

Field Specialization in Study . . . You choose 20 per cent of your subjects in this three-year course. This means a student going to Japan and one going to Chile would each get special preparation. Through a planned counseling program you receive help in choosing a mission field, and then in selecting subjects which will best prepare you for that field. To make your studies more practical, all missionary classes are taught by faculty members who Yon can serve Christ better after you’ ve been TRA INED FO lt THE JOR

Write for free catalog and picture booklet of student life. Address: Office of Admissions, Room K 238

INTERDENOM INATIONAL . . . EVANGELICAL Moody Bible Institute 820 North LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois Dr. William Culbertson, p r e sid e n t ★ Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, DEAN



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