Newsletter Issue 56 - Winter 2024

Hill of Fare Windfarm Major Campaign Accomplishment

During August and September HOFWIG presented our case against the Hill of Fare Windfarm development to Aberdeenshire Council ’ s Area Committees in Garioch, Marr, Kincardine and Mearns. Councillors on all three committees voted unanimously to object to the development. These objections went forward to the Council ’ s overarching planning policy committee, the Infrastructure Services Committee (ISC), which met on 3 October to take the final decision on behalf of the Council. Representatives of the six local Community Councils, HOFWIG and some individuals again presented the case against the development. The committee unanimously concluded to support the Aberdeenshire planners recommendation and decisions of the Area Committees to object to the development. Summary of what happened …. A petition was presented requesting Aberdeenshire ISC refuse permission for the development to go ahead. This was acknowledged by Councillors. Aberdeenshire Council planners presented their report on the windfarm application and outlined the following six main reasons for refusal: - 1. impact on cultural heritage of area as outlined by Historic Environment Scotland 2. landscape and visual impact cannot be mitigated, as confirmed by independent work of planning department 3. unknown impact on private water supplies to Dunecht Estate collection tank and Braeside 4. insufficient information provided about impact on peat and carbon rich soils 5. insufficient information about ornithological impact 6. unacceptable impact on aviation interests Concerns were also raised by Councillors about the potential release of radon and heavy metals from the underlying geology during blasting and construction. The developers case for economic and community benefits had not been well made. It was also noted that there is no legislative requirement for the developers to provide community benefit, this is entirely voluntary. The full report is linked here where more detail is shown regarding these reasons for objection. The committee took note that the three area committees had also unanimously supported the recommendation to object. Presentations from community councils and HoFWIG show that this is the wrong development in the wrong place. Issues addressed by representations


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