Newsletter Issue 56 - Winter 2024

were: - 

private water supplies, radon blasting frequency, disturbance

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fails planning guidelines

 no developer contact with communities despite invitation  salami slicing of electricity export route and development (separate applications)  Impact of noise and flicker  six community councils in alignment to object with around 75% of local residents responding to a questionnaire objecting to the development Overall Comments … Councillors noted that they had received many personalised requests to object, which were enlightening and showed the level of engagement of the community. The work to inform everyone of the issues has been successful in bringing communities together. Thanks were given for that effort. This is also thanks to you for your diligence in submitting your objections in such a personal and honest way. Aberdeenshire Council will now submit a report to the ECU stating their position and referring to their report. It will include comments raised at the ISC that were not considered planning matters, but relevant objections by the councillors informed by the community. What happens next … Having reached this point, we are now expecting a Statutory Public Enquiry. We will be engaging with the Energy Consents Unit of the Scottish Government and experts to develop an understanding of the process and how best we can engage as communities, HOFWIG, and individuals. What we do know is that the planning application will be transferred from the Energy Consents Unit to the Department for Planning and Environmental Appeals (the DPEA) where it is likely that a senior official with planning and/or legal expertise, known as a Reporter, will be appointed to review the application and the representations received on it. We understand that there is a significant backlog in the DPEA and that a public inquiry process is likely to take some considerable time. Watch this space for further updates and thanks again to ALL OF YOU who have supported the campaign.

Colette Backwell - ON BEHALF OF HOFWIG

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