Newsletter Issue 56 - Winter 2024

which joins the existing paths to make a full loop around the outer edge of the Tillybirloch woods. This path is ready to be used but it is still a work in progress with some areas quite bumpy underfoot and some brash still on the ground from past forestry work. The path will become smoother the more it is used, so please give it a go and take some friends (feel free to move to the side any fallen branches or brash from the path when you are there!). If you would like to volunteer to help continue improvements on this path, please get in touch.

AN IMPROVED HORSE PATH When the Comer footbridge was rebuilt, we had to divert the horse path. Unfortunately, some of the ground was VERY boggy underfoot on the new path which wasn ’ t ideal for users. During late summer we were able to dig out the boggy areas, put in drainage pipes and lay hardcore, widening and

improving the path. So far, this improvement seems to have been just what was needed – a brilliant effort from all those involved! FUTURE PLANS  Continue maintenance of existing paths  Improvements to the Carluchie woods area loop & paths  Reinstate the loop at Bogindhu  Create a pathway from Tillybirloch woods towards East Bandodle (off road) GET INVOLVED This work can not be done without volunteers. We GREATLY appreciate anyone willing to spend an hour or two helping. No skills required but having some tools is helpful. If you use the local paths, please help us maintain them, if you are fit and able. Contact Becky via email for any enquiries : Drainage put in and hardcore laid. Users can now enjoy a bog free burnside on the horse path.


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