100% Fall Born Bulls Developed Conservatively To Maximize Soundness And Longevity
GENOMICALLY ENHANCED EPD’S All bulls have had DNA submitted to their respective breed associations for genomic evaluation. This increases the EPD accuracy to give you, the buyer, more certainty in your decisions.
All bulls have been tested negative for BVD.
VETERINARIAN Dr. Matt Sullivan, Alda, Nebraska (308) 381-8049
DELIVERY Free delivery within 350 miles.
Delivery will take place in March after the bulls have passed a breeding soundness exam. Buyers have the option of leaving the bull with us until they need him. However, they will need to haul the bull themselves. We are not available to deliver bulls after April 1.
GUARANTEE Bulls are guaranteed for the first breeding season (not to exceed 90 days). A replacement bull will be provided if necessary or the buyer will receive credit on next years’ sale minus salvage value of the bull. Retaining a ½ semen interest in all bulls selling. Buyer receives full possession and full salvage value. Payment will be due within two weeks after the sale. Checks should be made to Jeff Pope. We will contact buyers regarding payment.
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