May 2023 - Foresight Newsletter

MAY 2023



Partnering with Consumers Standard

Co-design enables consumers to become equal partners in the improvement process for health services. It is a way of bringing consumers, carers and families together to improve health services. Planning, designing and producing services with people that have lived experience of the problem or service means the final solution is more likely to meet their healthcare needs and that of our community. Co-design is about shared decision-making with multiple people, including healthcare staff, patients and consumers. It creates an equal and reciprocal relationship between all stakeholders, enabling them to design and deliver services in partnership with each other.

Introduction to co-design The principles and practices of co-designing healthcare with consumers. Agency for Clinical Innovation | 6:14 minutes

Resources The Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI)'s Co-design toolkit is a practical resource for teams to adopt a co- design approach in improving systems and processes of health services. Recruit a Consumer Advisor. It can take up to 6 weeks to recruit a Consumer Advisor, so it is best to start early. Currently Consumer Advisors give their time freely and are not remunerated for their contributions. Therefore please consider how you will value their input and involvement and provide respect for their viewpoints and contributions. Contact the Consumer and Patient Experience Team to express interest to request a consumer to be involved in your improvement project. The Consumer Tick process is to be followed when designing and refining patient facing information, documents, etc 7 Habits of Highly Engaged committees (Habit 1: Co-design thinking) on My Health Learning (course code 305574382) This way of working demonstrates a shift from seeking involvement or participation after an agenda has already been set to seeking consumer and clinician leadership from the outset so that consumers and clinicians are involved in defining the problem and designing the solution. Committees with Consumer Advisor involvement should ensure a prompt is added to meeting Agendas to acknowledge consumer participation and their lived experience.


Clinical Governance Standard

These "drop in" sessions are open to anyone involved in developing Policies, Procedures or Guidelines (PPGs). PPG Authors and Document Owners, who are involved in writing PPGs or who coordinate consultation and approvals, are encouraged to join. Held fortnightly via MS Teams, the sessions begin with a 20 minute presentation on a specific PPG development topic. The remainder of the session is open to any PPG development related questions. The first session " Update on the Current PPG Process ", was held on the 28 April, and has been positively received by the attendees, who rated the usefulness of the session 5 stars.

“Thanks so much for the PPG session today, it was really helpful.”

Visit the PPG Drop in Sessions page on the NSLHD PPG Intranet site for a schedule of future drop in sessions, the list of topics being presented and video recordings.

Please contact for inquiries or to recommend topics for future sessions.

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