Siegfried Sassoon - Jonkers Rare Books


Stephen Tennant, whom Sassoon met in 1927, was one of the great loves of his life. The attraction was instant, and after their first weekend together Sassoon recorded in his diary that Tennant “seems to me the most enchanting creature I have ever met”. The following year he would record in his diary that “I ask nothing but to be near him always” and that with Tennant, he knew “perfect happiness”. Tennant was one of the great aesthetes of his age, and among the brightest of the bright young things, inspiring Sebastian Flyte of Brideshead Revisited , and Cedric Hampton of Love In A Cold Climat e. Their relationship continued and grew closer through the composition and publi- cation of Memoirs Of A Fox-Hunting Man . They were touring Europe together when the book was published, and excitedly received and read the positive reviews in whichever English language newspapers they could lay their hands on.

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