Project Highlights
Project Highlights
Dolphin Centre Ward End Birmingham The building is a women’s refuge and support centre which serves one of Birmingham’s deprived areas. We started works in Summer 2022. The £1.4m project for Birmingham City Council includes an extension to the rear, all areas refurbished to deliver new café, teaching and workshop areas. These will ensure the centre has increased facilities to help women in the area. Works are scheduled to be completed in April 2023.
CiF/Salix Summer Works In the Summer of 2022 the MEP undertook the highest number of school closures in our history. We successfully completed seven projects to a value of £2.65m in just eight weeks. Funded through CiF or Salix funds, each project consists of the replacement of ageing boilers with new energy efficient equipment. The scope ranges from simple boiler changeover to wholesale replacement plant rooms. Due to the intensity of the works, we spend six months planning and mobilising to ensure schools open for the winter term.
Parkview Clinic Moseley Birmingham This scheme is the largest secured by BSN Group in 2022. The first phase of the £4.8m extension was successfully handed over in October. The Birmingham Children’s Hospital young person’s mental health facility, provides care for young people from across the Midlands. Our works were undertaken adjacent to the facility; throughout our site team excellent communications and approach ensured there have been zero incidents with a high quality handover experience.
Birmingham Treatment Centre Working through Imagile PS for Sandwell and West Birmingham NHT Trust, the £2.1m replacement pipework scheme is one of our most challenging MEP projects. The existing plastic pipework is failing leading to a wholesale replacement in copper. The multi-phase programme over 18 months has been carefully planned to avoid closure of the operating theatres and wards. Evening and weekend working is being utilised; however working hours are reduced to allow hygienic water treatments before handover back to the hospital.
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