RSC Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Dalton Poster Symposium 2022

Coordination chemistry of azophosphines Emma Jordan, Andrew R. Jupp University of Birmingham, UK

Azophosphines are a class of compound possessing the RN=N–PR’ 2 functionality. Although first reported in the 1970s (where R = alkyl), 1 compounds bearing the N=N–P functionality have remained relatively unexplored. More recently, Cummins and co-workers reported the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of MesN=N–PA (Mes = mesityl and A = anthracene), with concomitant loss of anthracene. 2

Figure 1. A) Photolabile anthracene-substituted azophosphine reported by Cummins and co-workers [2]; B) Generic structure for our targeted stable azophosphines; C) Monodentate azophosphine complex; D) Bidentate azophosphine complex. Recent work in the Jupp group has focused on the synthesis and properties of novel azophosphines (where R = aryl and R’ is a non-labile aryl or alkyl group). We are currently exploring the coordination chemistry of these azophosphines when employed as ligands in transition metal complexes. 3 References 1. Kroner, J., Schneid, W., Wiberg, N., Wrackmeyer, B., Ziegleder, G., Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans ., 1978 , 74 , 1909−1919. 2. Riu, M. Y., Transue, W. J., Rall, J. M., Cummins, C. C., Am. Chem. Soc ., 2021 , 143 , 7635-7640. 3. Rong, M., Holtrop, F., Slootweg, J. C., Lammertsa, K., Chem. Rev ., 2019 , 380 , 1-16.


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