NSLHD in 2027
During the consultation process for the NSLHD Strategic Plan 2022-2027, our staff were asked to describe what NSLHD would look like in 2027. Clear themes emerged with NSLHD envisioned as a healthcare organisation that provided truly person-centred care, enabled by advancements in technology, with a strong and resilient workforce, and a sustainable health system.
In 2027, the principles of safe, person-centred, high quality care continue to be part of our culture. Patients and carers are our partners in their healthcare and are supported to make informed decisions about their care. The healthcare they receive is flexible and responsive to their preferences and needs. Safety, quality and continuous improvement are part of business as usual and integral to everything we do. Patient Reported Measures and patient, carer and consumer feedback are used to inform changes and improvements to models of care, services and processes. Programs targeting priority and vulnerable populations are in place and have demonstrated success including the First 2000 Days, Closing the Gap, healthy ageing and frailty, refugee health and improving mental health and wellbeing. We continue to focus on the health and wellbeing of our population and are seeing improvements across the population with declines in smoking and alcohol intake and increases in physical activity. Our hospitals and services recognise diversity and deliver culturally safe and sensitive services that respond to the needs of our community.
Our workplace culture is positive and focused on the physical and psychological wellbeing of our staff to create a safe and supportive workplace. Flexible work practices are in place to achieve a positive work-life balance. Strong and supportive leadership is in practice across all levels of the workforce. We have high levels of staff satisfaction, good staff retention and NSLHD is considered an attractive place to work. Our people are capable and confident with new technologies, adaptable and responsive to change, supported through training and professional development, and are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed. Learning and development are key components of developing and maintaining a skilled workforce. We continue to have strong links with our tertiary education providers and other training bodies. Service planning and infrastructure align with community needs making optimal use of available built capacity. Patients, carers and staff participate in co-design for new and redesigned services, technologies and facilities.
Our services and the way we deliver care have been transformed through the availability and use of digital technology. Our data systems are streamlined and connected, staff are digitally literate, have access to training in the use of technology and ongoing support to maximise functionality of the information, communications and technology systems available. Clinicians have ready access to real-time relevant data that inform clinical decision making, improve models of care and operational processes. Digital technologies support patient care, facilitating the shift toward increased healthcare provision in non-hospital environments. This is supported by the use of virtual technologies for patient and carer consultation, care provision and remote monitoring, as well as the use of applications to support increased self-care at home, hospital avoidance and reduced inpatient length of stay. Patients and carers can easily access support in the use of these technologies.
NSLHD Strategic Plan 2022-2027
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