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communautaire Le lien community link The Bourget Le comité de Loisirs de Bourget organise un Whist militaire au Cen- tre communautaire de Bourget le sa- medi 21 novembre à 20 h. 12 $ par personnes, goûter inclus. Pour infor- mation : Monique Laroche, 613-487- 2464 ou Jacinthe Forget, 613-487-2482. Hammond Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Che- ney-Hammond, organisent un bingo de dinde et jambon, le 4 décembre, à 19 h, au gymnase de l’école St-Mathieu de Hammond. Nombreux prix de pré- sence. Une partie des profits iront à la paroisse St-Mathieu de Hammond. Rockland Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Rockland tiendront leur souper de fèves aux lard et macaroni le vendredi 20 novembre, de 17 h 30 à 19 h. Gra- tuit pour les enfants de moins de 12 ans. Informations : 613-446-5631 ou 613-299-1942. Le Club d’aînés L’Amicale Belle Rive invite organise une sortie au casino Rideau Carleton le mercredi 25 no- vembre. Départ des Jardins Belle Rive à 13 h 45. Pour réservation, Thérèse au 613-488-2575. Le Club organise aussi une vente d’articles de Noël le 29 novembre prochain de 10 h 30 à 15 h 30. Pour information, Laurent au 613-296-4685. Blood donor clinic, Nov. 20, 4 :30 to 8 :30 p.m., at the RiverRock Inn. Book donation appointment by phone to 1-888-236-6283 or online at www. blood.ca. Bring photo I.D. and, if avail- able, donor card when attending. The Rockland Lions Club hosts its annual Christmas Craft Show, Nov. 28 and 29, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Jean- Marc Lalonde Arena. Le Club Optimiste de Rockland tiendra sa vente annuelle de gâteaux aux fruits (10$) et tarte au sucre (6$) jusqu’au 22 novembre. Les profits se- ront remis à la jeunesse de notre com- munauté. Prière de contacter Gae- tan Filion 613-446-4681, Madeleine Charron 613-446-5909, Aline Allard 613-446-5692 ou Danielle Lalonde 613-446-5293. Le Club Fil d’Argent organise une sortie chez Constantin pour un «Noël mémorable» le samedi 21 novembre. Départ 15 h de l’église Très Sainte Tri- nité. Pour plus de renseignements: Jeanine Bazinet 613-446-4814. St-Pascal-Baylon Guignolée à Saint-Pascal-Baylon le samedi 28 novembre entre 9h et midi du Centre communautaire Ronald Lalonde. Info: Joanne 613-488-3069 ou Claudette 613-488-2940.
New trail parking sites open
Residents and visitors enjoying an after- noon on the Prescott-Russell Recreational Trail now have new places to park their vehicles while they go out for a walk or a bike ride on the trail. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR), which oversees the PR Trail with the active aid of the Prescott-Russell Recrea- tional Trail (PRRT) agency, announced five new parking areas finished through a grant of $8,000 from the National Recreational
the UCPR and links to the Ottawamunicipal cycling network of trails and also Quebec’s cycling trail network through Rigaud.
Drouin Road trail access
Caledonia Road trail access
The NRTmoney went towards developing vehicle parking sites for the PR Trail entry points at Cassburn Road between Vankleek Hill and L’Orignal in Champlain Township, Caledonia Road between L’Orignal and the village of Alfred in Alfred-Plantagenet Township, Station Road in Alfred, Boudreau Road near Cobb’s Lake in the Bourget village area in the city of Clarence-Rockland, and Drouin Road in Hammond in Clarence- Rockland. “The construction of these new parking areas should encourage a greater use of the recreational trail,” said Louise Bissonnette, PRRT project officer, “and, by extension, ensure an increase in physical activity.” The PR Trail spans 72 kilometres through five of the eight member municipalities of
Provincial board and teachers’ union settle
Boudreau Road trail access
The union representing full-time and occa- sional elementary school teachers and the agency representing all school districts in Ontario have reached an accord. The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (EFTO) has ratified the central agreement reached between it and the Ontario Public School Boards Association (OPSBA).The central agreement terms deal with class size and other situational issues of concern for teachers and school districts. The agreement required “double majo- rity” approval under the EFTO’s voting pro- cess, whichmeans there needed to be both a clear majority of EFTOmembers and also a clear majority of EFTO locals which agreed to the terms through a province-wide vote. The EFTO ratification process resulted in 86 per cent of members, including both full- time and occasional teachers, agreeing to the terms and 98 per cent of EFTO locals supporting it. The terms of the central agreement call on both the EFTO and the OPSBA and the EducationMinistry to designate representa- tives to develop recommendations for better support of students with special needs. All three parties must also review the full-day kindergarten staffing and class-size situa- tion. There will be a similar review for class sizes of the grades 4 to 8 levels. The central agreement confirms the right of teachers to use their own professional judgment for assessment and evaluation of students’ learning needs. School districts are required to “make every effort” to avoid Full-Day Kindergarten/Grade 1 split class- room situations. Occasional teachers will now have keys to the classrooms to help ensure student and staff safety in school lockdown situa- tions. Also school districts will make sure key recommendations in the September 2014 Health and Safety Task Force report concerning student and staff safety issues are put in effect.
Trails (NRT) program. “We are pleased to announce the com- pletion of this project,” stated Robert Kirby, UCPR warden. “These parking areas will serve to improve the trail users’ experience by offering increased security and conve- nience.”
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