America’s most popular government program is probably Social Security. Created to help the minority of Americans who lived past the age of 65 at that time, it’s now an unsustainable handout to most older people. Social Security is going broke because people my age just keep living longer. Sorry. We won’t volunteer to die. Jorgensen would save social security by offering everyone “an immediate opt-out,” something like the Cato Institute’s 6.2 Percent Solution, which would let individuals invest 6.2% of their payroll tax into a private retirement account. She’d “make America one giant Switzerland, armed and neutral... no American military personnel stationed in foreign countries. No foreign aid. No loan guarantees.” While phasing the program out, she says seniors would be paid back what they’ve put in. “Sell those government assets, mineral rights, water rights, buildings downtown,” she says. “Give that money to seniors.” Finally, Jorgensen would end “these needless wars that caused the injuries or deaths of hundreds of thousands of American soldiers... and the waste of trillions of tax dollars.” She’d “make America one giant Switzerland, armed and neutral... no American military personnel stationed in foreign countries. No foreign aid. No loan guarantees.”
This is not pacificism, she says, “I am proposing an American military force ready and able to defend the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and all U.S. territories against foreign attackers.” But like most libertarians, she doesn’t want America involved in foreign wars. As the Libertarian Party’s presidential candidate, Dr. Jorgensen will be on the ballot in most states. Voters will have a real choice this November. Libertarian ideas are very different from the ideas that are held by today’s Democrats and Republicans. Instead of lusting for more money and power, her party proposes a government that keeps the peace and, mostly, Instead of lusting for more money and power, her party proposes a government that keeps the peace and, mostly, leaves people alone.
leaves people alone. Sounds good to me. © Creators
John Stossel is author of Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media .
June 2020
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