The counterfeit dollars – given out by the central banks – go mostly to older, richer people who own financial assets. Young people, Blacks, and less-educated people typically don’t own stocks, bonds, or real estate. They sell their time... by the hour... and the real hourly rate has scarcely changed since 1975. The rich get richer. The poor and middle classes get poorer. And just wait. Now, the feds are “printing” money like never before. Expect more corruption, more dependence, more unfairness, and (sooner or later) runaway inflation, depression, riots, (maybe “civil” war)... poverty, chaos... ... the victims will put up a fight... the feds will get tough... ... and then, the knee will be on all of our throats.
They are the ones most damaged by the COVID-19 shutdown because they were among the 60% of the population that never recovered from the 2008 to 2009 crisis. And they tended to be in the “gig” or service sectors... where revenues evaporated almost overnight. They were locked down at the most important time in their lives – when they were just starting businesses, careers, and families. And this was despite the fact that they were never really at risk from the virus. And then, they were locked up again... among the 60 million Americans under curfews. NOT JUST BAD LUCK But it’s not just a matter of bad luck. Millennials, Blacks, Whites, the middle classes, as well as the poor – all have been cheated in a way the Post doesn’t even begin to understand. So, we’ll spell it out:
Let me warn you. This is not a repeat of 2000... or 2008. Both were financial crises. Money got tight. Credit got scarce. So the government simply flooded our country with more money and cheaper credit. This time, it’s different... and far more serious. That’s why I recently gathered a small panel of experts to spell out the what... why... how... and when of the present crisis. What’s going on, what it means, and what you need to do about it.
If nothing else, you need to be aware of the danger you face.
And you need a plan... a strategy... that will get you through this crisis with your wealth... your health... and your future intact. Learn more by clicking here.
American Consequences
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