INSTRUMENT RENTALS For those who prefer to rent student instruments rather than purchase them, we have a great option! NBPS has our own rental program with prices that are usually lower than other rental providers. In addition, the money goes directly back to the school. You can take care of the application at nbps.org/instrumentrentals . If you need any assistance, contact Robyn Hol- lander at 954.247.0011 ext. 222 or at Robyn.Hollander@nbps.org. PRIVATE LESSONS For students who are driven to go further with their learning, NBPS offers private Fine Arts lessons. Individual lessons are available virtually, before and after school for voice, dance, theatre, art, and more than 20 musical instru- ments!You can sign up at nbps.org/privatelessons where you can choose sessions that last 30, 45 or 60 minutes long and can be billed to your school account at rates beginning as low as $320 for 8 weeks. For additional informa- tion, contact Tim Barnes at Tim.Barnes@nbps.org or at 954.247.0011 ext 375.
NBPS FINE ARTS BOOSTERS President Joanie Carpenter joaniecarpenter83@gmail.com 954-592-0025
Vice President Camille Fournel cdfournel@gmail.com
Secretary Jennifer Marshall NBFineArtsBoosters@gmail.com
Treasurer Virginia Barnes virginia@barnesviolins.net Fine Arts Booster Parent Meetings October 1 at 8:15 a.m. Location TBD
The NBPS Fine Arts Boosters are avid supporters of arts education and outreach at our school. We operate as a nonprofit to provide performance and educational opportunities for our student-art- ists and to bring their work to both the school and larger communities through events including the Annual Faculty Concert. Future Meetings will be held on October 1, January 28, March 24, and May 6. Visit nbps.org/fineartsboosters to learn about the benefits of mem- bership and to register as a 2020-21 Fine Arts Booster member today!
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