• Baton Handoff 3: After the last step exiting the tower and before mounting the Keiser® Force Machine. Ex: if the athlete performing the forcible entry evolution is not the individual descending the tower, the exchange must be made before mounting the Keiser® Force Machine. This conclude Leg 3. 2nd - Baton Passing Zone
Keiser® Force Machine
3rd - Baton Passing Zone
• Baton Handoff 4: Only after stepping off the Keiser® Force Ma- chine and placing the hammer onto the mat (fully releasing the hand from the hammer), can the baton be passed anywhere between the Keiser® Force Machine and the first turn marked by a solid line near the target system. • The individual performing the activity on the forcible entry evolution must pick up and hand the Baton to the next athlete. This concludes Leg 4.
Hammer Mats
4th - Baton Passing Zone
• Baton Handoff 5: Before the line at the last delineator, the receiving athlete’s feet must not contact the line or the ground past the line until the handoff is made. • No contact with the nozzle or attack line is permitted until the athlete is in possession of the Baton. This concludes Leg 5.
Last Delineator
Hose Nozzle
• Baton Handoff 6: The athlete must penetrate the swinging saloon doors with the nozzle, strike the target and then fully shut off the nozzle before the baton can be passed. The nozzle must then be placed onto the padded system. This concludes Leg 6. • The nozzleman is the only individual that may shut down the nozzle. • The athlete cannot touch the manikin until they are in possession of the Baton. • The athlete crosses the finish line maintaining possession of the Baton at all times. This concludes Leg 7. Pass Zone 5 RELAY CATEGORY PENALTIES The following infractions are in addition to the general course infractions found in pages 26-32. Rescue Manikin Target
• Any early exchange of the baton or touching any tool or prop including hose hoist rope, forcible entry hammer, nozzle, manikin, before it is permissible as described in the section above, will result in a 2-second penalty . • If both athletes do not have both feet on the top platform before the Baton pass takes place, it will result in a 2-second penalty . • If the athlete receiving the Baton on the top platform does not have one hand on the top rail of the tower with the thumb visible to the official, it will result in a 2-second penalty . • If the athlete grasps the hoisting rope or releases the rail before receiving the Baton, it will result in a 2-second penalty . • No assistance can be rendered to a team member by any other member of the same team. This will result in immediate Disqualification . (i.e., if a member completing a task drops the Baton, they alone must be the one to pick it up). • A Baton falling down the stairs and not leaving the tower must be retrieved by the person who dropped it or be Disqualified . If any object should fall off the tower (i.e., the Baton, donut, or high-rise pack), the team will be Disqualified . • If any teammate crosses the course delineator, intentionally or unintentionally, and causes interference to the athlete in the opposing lane, an immediate Disqualification will occur. • Any intentional contact that materially affects the opposing athlete will be cause for Disqualification . • The fouled team, at their election, will be allowed a second run. The second run time will be the time of record. • If more than 5 members of a team enter the course, it will result in Disqualification .
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