Evolution 2: Hose Hoist Once at the top of the tower, participants will hand-over-hand hoist a 42lb donut roll from Snap-Tite® Hose from the ground up to the top of the tower. It’s mind over matter, working through the burn until the roll of hose clears the top railing and is placed into the container on the top platform floor. Now it’s time to turn around and descend back down the tower. Evolution Overview, Rules and Infractions: • A 42lb. (19kg) donut roll of large diameter hose and (15.5mm) kernmantle rope (nominally weighing 7 lbs.) is used for this event. • The athlete cannot stand on anything other than the top platform while hoist- ing. • The donut roll must ascend; loss of control, such as slippage of more than one balcony will result in being Disqualified (as observed by a course official). • The proper placement is on or in the container with no part of the donut roll touching the deck outside of the box. A 2-second penalty will be assessed for this infraction if the athlete does not correct the donut roll placement. • The donut roll must stay on the top platform. Disqualification results from any loss of control of the donut roll, including falling off the tower, rolling down the stairs, or interfering with the adjacent athlete. A fallen donut roll may not be retrieved. • The evolution is considered complete when the roll clears the railing at the top of the tower, is correctly placed into the container, and there was no in- fraction call from the Course Official. Note: During a tandem or relay event the evolution is considered complete after the baton has been passed. For safety reasons, the athlete must step on every step while descending the tower, and the handrail must be grasped. Failure to touch each step on the descent will result in a 2-second penalty per infraction. • Any intentional contact that materially affects the opposing athlete will be cause for Disqualification . Evolution 3: Forcible Entry Descending the Tower: •
Presented by Keiser®, participants will simulate a chopping motion using a 9.6lb dead blow hammer from Trusty-Cook® to force the 160lb Keiser® Force Machine’s steel beam a horizontal distance of 5 feet. • The forcible entry evolution utilizes the Keiser Force Machine (a chopping simula- tor). • Using the provided nine-pound (4kg) shot mallet, and with both feet on the dia- mond plate surface, the athlete must drive the sled, a ≈ 160lb. (72.5kg) steel beam a horizontal distance of five feet (1.5m). • Pushing, raking, or hooking the beam is not allowed; only the mallet’s head can strike the beam. • Striking the Keiser sled without both feet on the diamond plate will result in a 5-second penalty for the first strike, and a Disqualification for the second. • The mallet handle must not touch the beam at any time. A 5-second penalty is assessed for each infraction after the first handle strike. • A 2-second penalty is assessed for every inch (2.5cm) or fraction thereof that the sled is short from the end of the tray. • The mallet must be placed onto the designated mat. Contacting the mat is defined as the mallet being in contact with the imaginary plane that extends vertically from the mat’s border. The mallet must come to rest and remain on the mat. A 2-second penalty is assessed for failure to place the mallet onto the mat. • If the athlete loses control of the mallet and it travels outside of the vertical boundaries of the confines of the tray (front and back of tray) or is lost in any di- rection that creates a dangerous situation to others as determined by the course official, the athlete will be Disqualified . 28
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