Guide to the Challenge

Evolution 4: Hose Advance Participants will negotiate the 140-foot (42.6m) slalom course without missing or knocking over any fire hydrant delineator. They will then pick up the TFT® nozzle end of the 1- 3/4 inch (4.45cm) charged Snap-Tite® hose line and drag it 75 feet. Once the TFT® nozzle penetrates the swinging doors, they will open the nozzle aiming the stream to hit the target. • The athlete must negotiate the 140-foot (42.6m) slalom course without missing or knocking over any delineator; doing so will result in a 5-second penalty for each infraction. • Intentional use of grabbing and/or holding onto the course saloon door or target system to propel yourself forward while running will result in a 5-sec- ond penalty . • The athlete must pick up the nozzle end of the 1 3/4 inch; (4.45cm) charged hose line and drag it a total distance of 75 feet (22.8m) penetrating the swing- ing saloon doors. • A failure to advance the hose a total distance of 75 feet (i.e., crossing the 75 feet threshold that are the swinging saloon doors) before laying the nozzle down, will result in a 10-second penalty . If the saloon door design inadver- tently keeps the nozzle from being laid onto the mat, there will be no penalty. • Once the nozzle penetrates the swinging saloon doors, the athlete opens the nozzle, hits the target with the water stream, shuts down the nozzle, and drops the nozzle onto the ground padding system between the saloon doors and target system. • The initial drop of the nozzle must hit the padding system, or it will result in a 5-second penalty . If the nozzle then bounces off the padding system, there is no penalty. • Failure to drop the target with the water stream will result in a 10-second penalty . Listen for instructions from the Course Official in the event the target was not reset properly. • If the nozzle is not shut before it is set down, the athlete must go back and close it. If the course staff must shut off the nozzle, a 2-second penalty will be assessed. • If the nozzle opens after hitting the padding, there is no penalty, and the athlete can continue to the victim rescue evolution. Evolution 5: Victim Rescue

Participants will drag a 165lb Rescue Randy® manikin from NASCO Healthcare® back- wards a distance of 106 feet. The time officially stops when you and the heels of the manikin completely cross the finish line. • A 165lb. (74.8kg) NASCO, Rescue Randy® manikin (model 1435) must be lifted and dragged backward a distance of 106 feet (32.3m). • Carrying the manikin is not permitted. • If any athlete crosses the course center delineator (i.e., goes out of lane, including in the finish line zone) and causes interference to the athlete in the opposing lane they will be Disqualified . • If any athlete drags the manikin by its clothing or appendage, i.e. chain, a 5-sec- ond penalty will be assessed. • Any intentional contact that materially affects the opposing athlete will be cause for Disqualification . • Time stops when the heel of the manikin crosses the finish line. • It is the athlete’s responsibility to fully maintain possession of the manikin until the clock has stopped or the course official will require you to pick the manikin back up to correctly cross the finish line. There is no penalty since this is a self-pe- nalizing action. • Falling at any other point is considered self-penalizing and does not cause a penalty. • Spiking the manikin at any time will result in Disqualification . Spiking is defined as any elbow movement other than extension while releasing the manikin. 29

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