Guide to the Challenge

Pro Level Placement Times

Competitive Level Placement Times Male: 2:30.00 and under Female: 4:00.00 and under

Developmental Level Placement Times Male: 2:30.01 and over Female: 4:00.01 and over

Male: 1:50.00 and under Female: 3:00.00 and under

Members of a Junior Firefighter or Fire Explorer program, between the ages 14-21, will be assigned in our Junior FF/Fire Explorer Division. Note: there is no division recognition in our tandem and relay categories due to the ever-changing combination of team members .


Athletes in Rookie Period: After an athlete is placed into a division at their initial event, they will continue serving in their ‘rookie period’ until they have completed four (4) full course runs. This policy helps ensure the athlete ends up in the ap- propriate division with ‘like’ athletes at the conclusion of their rookie period. If the rookie athletes’ time during the qualifying round(s) makes them eligible to be promoted into a new division, they will be immediately promoted and will represent that division for the remainder of the event. • Policy: • If the rookie athlete advances into the Individual category finale or is allowed to run a Special Attempt Run during the finale, they will be promoted again if the time justifies the promotion. They will represent that new division at the next event they attend. Annual Promotions after a rookie period concludes, all future annual promotions are held following the conclusion of the last day of qualifying rounds at the World Challenge event. Relegation: When an athlete is no longer able to maintain the required minimum course completion time in the current divi- sion, they will be relegated to the appropriate division based on their current run times. Relegation will take place after four (4) consecutive runs where the athlete failed to meet the minimum required division time. The new division assignment will go into effect at the next event they attend. An athlete relegated can be promoted again if the promotional benchmark require- ments of the division have been met. Injury Declaration: When an athlete is recovering from injury, surgery, or illness they may declare this issue with the Regis- trar before the event begins. By making this declaration the competition runs will not be counted towards promotion or relegation. An injury declaration cannot last for more than one season. DIVISON PROMOTION & RELEGATION The run request should be submitted to the Timer as soon as possible so they can keep the athlete in mind if space becomes available. • A Special Attempt Run time is not factored into the results of the primary category finale event. •

Athletes under the age of 40, not yet assigned to a division, will be placed into the appropriate division at their first event based on their performance. Athletes over the age of 40, regardless of performance, are assigned to Division 1 in the appropriate age and gender group. Newly placed athletes, Under the Age 40, will remain in a ‘rookie period’ until they have completed four (4) full course runs. Refer to the promotion and relegation section below for more details. Initial Assignment Policy: • The athlete’s ‘fastest’ run time during qualifying round(s) in the Individual category will determine the division for the remainder of the event. • If an athlete does not advance into the finale, they will remain in that division moving forward unless they request to do a Special Attempt Run during the finale. See below policy. • If an athlete does advance into the Individual category finale or is allowed to run a Special Attempt Run during the finale, their overall fastest run time at the event will deter- mine the division they will be assigned to at future events. • If an athlete experiences a DNF during their first run at- tempt, they will remain unassigned until they complete a full course run. • Any athlete Under the Age of 40 attending the World Chal- lenge event that needs an initial assignment to a division must register and complete two (2) Individual Category runs during the qualifying rounds. This is to aid in the cor- rect division assignment. Special Attempt Run Policy: A Special Attempt Run is a dedicated race where an athlete is specifically trying to achieve a goal outside of placement for the event. This run is a special opportunity offered to select athletes in select situations. These ‘special’ runs have no bearing on the medal placement at the event. The following are eligible to request a Special Attempt Run: • a first-time athlete Under the Age of 40 that did not make the Individual Category finale at the season opener or regional event and would like a chance to improve their division placement. • an athlete requesting an extra run to attempt LION’S Den. Policy: • A Special Attempt Run requires an additional category registration fee be paid. • Run requests are on a first-come, first-served, basis and are not guaranteed since they are based on space availability.


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