King's Business - 1969-02

FIVE YEARS FROM NOW . . . . . what will you be doing?

known to this generation than that of the author of such songs as “ I’d Rather Have Jesus.” Fred Bauer worked with Mr. Shea in the presen­ tation of his autobiography which includes a ministry over the air start­ ing on WMBI in Chicago to his pres­ ent work of Billy Graham Crusades, concerts, radio, television, and re­ cording. The story is intensely inter­ esting and reveals the humble sin­ cerity of the author. A number of interesting pictures are included from his early days on through the present ministry.— 176 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan, N.J.; $3.95. WORDS TO LIVE BY by Edward L. Hayes Daily devotional books are not new to the Christian reader. That which distinguishes this effort is that the author has specifically designed 366 readings, based on the Gospel of John, utilizing five popular transla­ tions for his basis of impact. These are the New American Standard Bi­ ble, the New English Bible, the New Testament in the Language of the People (Williams), the New Testa­ ment in the Language of Today (Beck), and the King James Version. Dr. Hayes, associate professor of Christian Education at the Denver Conservative Baptist Th eo l og i ca l Seminary, formerly was assistant professor of Christian Education at Biola College. — 254 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $3.50. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) LIVING DANGEROUSLY by D. Stuart Briscoe. 132 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. Well known tor his ministry as Assistant General Director of the Capernwray Missionary Fellowship of Torchbearers, the author seeks to reveal how that one who has been made alive through Christ need not be a "spiritual Zombie." THE PARABLES OF PEANUTS by Robert L. Short. 328 pages,- paper; Harper and Row Publishers, New York, N.Y. The work of Charles Shultz is analyzed as to the "theology" behind his characters of Charley Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, ad infinitum.

GOD’S PROGRAM OF THE AGES by Frederick A. Tatford

The title may lead some to think that this book deals only with the dis­ pensations, but actually it is a manual on Biblical prophecy. Its fourteen chapters include the major elements of prophetic study: Israel, Daniel’s seventy weeks, the church, the judg­ ment seat of Christ, and of course the second advent and the millenni­ um. A final chapter deals with "The Divine Plan.” Tatford accepts pretty generally the scheme of the dispensations as set forth in the Scofield Reference Bi­ ble, although he has his own termin­ ology : The Period of Innocence, The Rule of Conscience, The Discipline of Government, etc. Of course, the restoration of Israel and their estab­ lishment in the land promised to Abraham are accepted literally. He accepts the gap, or hiatus, doctrine as held by Drs. Ironside and Chafer, and which the latter taught should be better called an intercalation. He equates “ Babylon” in the Revelation with the false church, linked with Rome, but extending beyond that body, and including a great com­ mercial system, apparently connected with it. The author has condensed a great deal of teaching into each chapter, and one might wish more expansion in places, but the book becomes a good manual for the layman and Bi­ ble student. There is an extensive bibliography. Dr. Tatford has had a long ministry on both sides of the Atlantic. He is editor of The Har­ vester and The Prophetic Witness and has served as an official of a number of evangelical organizations in England. — 160 pages; cloth or paper; Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids; $3.50 or $1.95. THEN SINGS MY SOUL by George Beverly Shea Perhaps no man’s singing voice in the sacred world has been as well

Perhaps you have been troubled by that pressing ques­ tion, “What am I going to do with my life?” Well, don’t let it get you down. Most Christian teenagers are uncertain about their places in the will of God. We want to acquaint you with the career building pro­ grams offered in the areas of Music, Science, Bible, History, English and Literature, Athlet­ ics, and Christian Education. Why not plan to attend Col­ lege Career Day, Friday, Feb­ ruary 28, at the LABC cam­ pus? A program designed to answer “ career” questions for high school students is planned. For further information, clip and mail the coupon below. LOS ANGELES BAPTIST COLLEGE DEPT. B Newhall, California 91321 A Christian Liberal Arts College □ Please send me information on “Career Day.” Name__________________________ Address_______________,_________ City________ State_____ Zip______ Grade in school________ Age_____



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