King's Business - 1969-02

• Teach Nursery through Jun­ iors children mornings for two weeks, teens and adults evenings of the same weeks or e v e n in g s o f the two weeks following the chil­ dren’s school, or evenings of two weeks a month later. • Schedule VBS one morning for ten weeks. Q. You speak o f a week at a Chris­ tian Camp as two years o f attend­ ance in S.S. What are some bene­ fits o f a Christian Camp? A. “Come and See how Christian­ ity really works” is the unwritten invitation to a well-planned Chris­ tian camp. For at camp boys and girls see Christianity being lived out in daily actions. Campers are not only spectators, but partici­ pants! Christianity is put to the test as young people learn to get along with others in work, play, and group-living. For the first time, many boys and girls see the rela­ tionship o f Bible truths to daily life. At camp, children see counsel­ lors as true friends and as Chris­ tians who live what they teach. In the informal atmosphere, many find it easy to ask questions about God and His plan for the world and for individuals. There’s time also to consider one’s own need for a personal Saviour. Many chil­ dren — young people too — ac­ cept Christ as their Saviour dur­ ing days at camp in God’s out­ doors. Bible study is often more mean­ ingful at camp, too. A concentrat­ ed day-by-day study is more ef­ fective than a half-hour each Sun­ day with a six-day gap between classes. Nightly cabin or dorm devo­ tions naturally encourage camp­ ers to establish habits of daily prayer and Bible reading. Give your Sunday school pupils an opportunity to see how Chris­ tianity really works in everyday life. Q. Since VBS offers a great op­

portunity to win pupils to Christ, can you give some directions on how best to accomplish this? A. Keep these principles in mind: 1. Pray for the salvation of spe­ cific individuals. 2. Tell the way o f salvation clear­ ly- 3. Provide opportunities for pu­ pils to respond to the Gospel. Ask for those who want to make decisions to remain and talk after the others move on to another activity. 4. Do not take pupils’ salvation for granted. 5. Deal with pupils individually. 6. Carefully follow up each deci­ sion. 7. Link the new convert to the church. Q. Are few er Vacation B ib le schools holding closing demon­ stration programs? A. Some churches that have gone to a five-day school find the time limited to prepare adequately for a closing demonstration pro­ gram. Nevertheless, there is great value in inviting parents person­ ally to see what has been accomp­ lished during the VBS. It is an excellent opportunity to present the gospel to unsaved parents who will generally come because of the enthusiasm o f their children. Q. How is the best way to evalu­ ate a VBS? A. All VBS workers should have a part in evaluating the school. To give every worker an oppor­ tunity to pass on suggestions, a four-step evaluation program is suggested: 1. Give a questionnaire to all VBS workers the second week of school, to stinfulate their thinking. 2. Convene department and com­ mittee groups separately, to evaluate their parts in VBS. 3. Have the Executive Commit­ tee and VBS Council meet for a joint evaluation session. 4. See that all constructive sug­ gestions are recorded.

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