King's Business - 1969-02

tory, and therefore we have a liv­ ing hope. Thus, the three Persons o f the Trinity each have a part in making this expectation an as­ sured reality. The child o f God anchors his hope upon His Heav­ enly Father with the surety that He will bring deliverance and sal­ vation (II Cor. 1:10). This assur­ ance results in peace and joy in the daily walk of God’s people. One cannot make an analysis of the term hope without recogniz­ ing its c lo s e association with faith. Faith and hope go hand in hand for Scripture asserts, “ Faith is the substance o f things hoped for” (Heb. 11:1). Saving faith cannot be detached from hope. Note carefully the clause, “ For we are saved by hope” (Rom. 8: 24). Faith sees salvation as a present reality; hope looks for­ ward to execution o f the promise. Well has Haldane written, “ Hope looks to eternal life as that which is future in regard to its remote­ ness ; but in reality to its certain­ ty, faith looks to it as a thing that is present.” The object of faith is the promise and the one prom­ ising, and the object of hope is the thing promised and the execu­ tion of the promise. We hope for life eternal, because we have faith in the promises of God. If we be­ lieve the promises, we must like­ wise expect the effects. Thus, in the soteriological sense, our term suggests the joyful and contented expectation o f a glorious, eternal salvation. Is it any wonder that Hebrews speaks o f the “ full as­ surance of hope” (6 :1 1 )? Bear in mind also that in the cataloging of the believer’s armor, Paul cites the helmet as being the “ hope of salvation” (I Thess. 5 :8 ). This joyous expectation of the Chris­ tian o f full, final, and complete salvation and deliverance from the present evil system is virtual­ ly certain of realization. This hope includes not only the spiritual life with God, but also the transfor­ mation of the physical body. Paul writes that we eagerly await the redemption of our body (note how this is linked with hope in Ro­ mans 8:23-25).

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In its eschatological signifi­ cance, the future with God is called “the blessed hope” (Titus 2:13). The Greek term could well be rendered “ a happy hope.” On several occasions the Christian is called a sojourner, an alien, a non­ citizen of this world because he is a fellow-citizen o f heaven. Thus, though but a stranger here, the child o f God has his hope, his ex­ pectation laid up for him in heav­ en (Col. 1 :5 ) ; this hope to be fully realized at the revelation of

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Jesus Christ (I Peter 1:17). Blessed and happy, indeed, is the expectation and anticipation of the appearance at the last day of



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