Hola Sober December

We are often in different time zones and countries. We travel different pathways to sobriety and we are loving and accepting of all of them. My sober world has opened up in the most unexpected ways, but one thing has not changed. The time I spend on meetings, in small groups and one on one is all done in service. This is one of the ways that I express my gratitude for the gift of sobriety. I want to highlight all the ways we can be of service in Hola Sober. You will be so pleased to know that you are probably already doing some of them! First, attending meetings. Just by coming to meetings, you are holding space for your sober sisters. By turning on your camera you are creating a connection. By raising your hand and sharing, you are passing on the wisdom that you have gained along the way. By sharing your struggles and triumphs you give other women the courage to do the same. So, if you have the thought, “I don’t really need a meeting.”, remember there is a woman out there that needs you to be there for her. Joining a What’sApp group is another way to stay connected, but also to be there for sober sisters who need support between meetings. What’sApp groups are smaller and more intimate than the larger groups that you might find on social media. They are places where women share all kinds of life experiences in addition to providing a place to come with an SOS call if your ass is on fire. If you are a member of Hola Sober and would like to join a What’sApp group just reach out as ask. Many women are contributing to the Hola Sober Magazine, so if you have a topic related to sobriety that you would like to write about, please do!! Articles, poetry, recipes, products you want to share, talent, expertise: all ideas and contributions are welcome. And if you are on social media, please share the magazine there. Many women find us through the magazine which serves as a gateway to modern recovery! We are blessed to have a weekly Yoga class through Hola Sober because of the generous service of our own Lisa (Bear) Hamil. I highlight this because so many of us have expertise and talents that we can share with each other, either through workshops, and classes or by posting tips or writing about them for the magazine. This is a wonderful way to give back to a community and is greatly appreciated by all who benefit.

There are times in our journey when something we do feels more like it is receiving than giving and Pledge 100 is a perfect example. Through no small effort of our dear founder, Susan Christina, and many support volunteers, this course has now been offered twice, free of charge. It is a deep dive into all things, and I do mean ALL things, sobriety. It is brilliant in its content and delivery, but make no mistake, it is a commitment. The beauty of the effort is that not only you, but the women who take it with you get the opportunity to learn, grow and connect as a cohort of sober sisters. Without each participant being willing to reflect and share on each lesson, without the connection made during the 100 days, it would not glean the desired outcome. Women who finish the course together usually dive back in and start it over again to get and share a deeper understanding of its rich content. So, in this light, it’s the participation in the course that is the act of service. Like any act of service, we often get back more than we give! So this holiday season and throughout the year, be mindful of opportunities to be of service. Do what you can, especially in early sobriety. Small things can make a big difference in our lives. We live in gratitude for this amazing gift!

The holidays are upon us

and, despite global inflation, there is an overwhelming siren calling us to spend, spend, spend, buy, buy, buy, consume, consume, consume! This is nothing new, it happens every year. OK, I admit that stores putting out Christmas merchandise in September is a new low, but let’s face it, it’s easy to fall into the expectation that our value is based on the value of gift we give those we love. Bollocks! I’ll grant you that there is no warmer feeling for me than finding that perfect something that I know will please my loved one. The very act of thinking of someone and putting effort into giving a meaningful gift is loving and gratifying. But there is another kind of giving; one that does not require wrapping paper and a bow. It does not require a season or a special occasion. It is the many ways in which we help our sisters find and sustain a sober life style. The idea of service has been engrained in me from try early days of my sobriety. Freely we give, freely we receive. It is the tenant that, in order to keep the precious gift of sobriety, we must in turn reach out to others to share how we did it. Hola Sober was created as an act of service. It began with a family volunteering their time, financial support and expertise so that women from around the globe can meet, share, read, write, dance, laugh, cry, encourage, support, and most importantly NOT DRINK together. In my years of sobriety I have mentored many women on the recovery road. In recent years it has taken on a new look. In addition to church halls and coffee shops, I meet with women on Zoom!


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