Hola Sober December

"My sober roots are deep, and I have a strong, daily practice to maintain it. But what I am experiencing in modern recovery has allowed me to deepen my understanding of addiction and embrace the many pathways to sobriety that we walk. I’m now going to upwards of seven meetings a week, in three different sober spaces. It’s beautiful and I am so very grateful. I am feeling super charged to carry the torch of a new generation of sober women, to unveil my face and say out loud that women can choose the path they walk. We can walk different paths, side by side, supporting a lifestyle that does not include drinking alcohol. We can accomplish great things in big and small ways - together."

-Maria MacKenty

Staying in the present is ALMOST as important to me as learning to love myself. It’s important because it’s very easy for me to go from being content in the present moment to becoming fearful of the future. This can happen in the blink of an eye. I have to get out my sword and battle fear and anxiety on a regular basis and so staying present in the moment can be the key to living in peace. This ties in to other lessons from this course, such as the lessons on mindfulness, so I want to revisit this and spend more time on it during the next hundred days of pledge. How many of you plan on continuing on here? I love this group

"Move forward. Good things are up ahead."



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