Populo Volume 2 Issue 2


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Brzezinksi, Zbigniev, The Grand Chessboard, trans. by Ελένη Αστερίου,

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New Borders and the Emergence of Interstate Conflict’, International

Organization, 65.2 (2011), 275-309

Elden, Stuart, ‘ Contingent Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and the Sanctity of

Borders’, The SAIS Review of International Affairs, 26.1 (2006), 11-24

Fazal, Tanisha M., The Return of Conquest? Why the Future of Global Order

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Finnemore, Martha and Kathryn Sikkink, ‘International Norm Dynamics and

Political Change’, International Organization, 52.4 (1998), 887-917

Forsberg, Tuomas, ‘Explaining Territorial Disputes: From Power Politics to

Normative Reasons’, Journal of Peace Research, 33.4 (1996), 433-449

Hensel, Paul R., Michael E. Allison and Ahmed Khanani, ‘Territorial Integrity

Treaties and Armed Conflict over Territory’, Conflict Management and

Peace Science, 26.2 (2009), 120-143


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